Approve Purchase Requisitions

Use this screen to approve requisitions that can later be generated into purchase orders.

Only requisitions requiring approval from a specified user display. You can access this screen only if you selected the Requisition option in the Approval Level group box on the Configure Purchase Requisition Settings screen. Otherwise, you must approve purchase requisition lines on the Approve Purchase Requisition Lines screen.

The user ID approving the requisition is assigned to an approval title on the Manage Purchase Requisition Approval Titles screen. You can assign multiple user IDs to one approval title. Each of these user IDs can approve the requisition, as long as the user's minimum and maximum dollar limits are met. Then you assign the approval titles to an approval process code on the Manage Purchase Requisition Approval Processes screen. You can assign multiple approval titles to one approval process. Therefore, one approval process may require approval by many users.

You can also use this screen to reject a requisition. This can occur for various reasons and will cause the approval process for that requisition to be suspended. The requisitioner must then modify the requisition and resubmit it for approval.


If organization security is enabled for a requisition's organization and the organization is not part of your user ID's organization security profile in Costpoint System Administration, the requisition does not display on this screen. When enabled, organization security compares the requisitioner's organization to the security profile in Costpoint Procurement Planning for your user security group. If you do not have F (Full) rights to the organization, the requisition is not accessible.

Use this screen whenever there are requisitions requiring approval, if approvals are done at the requisition level.

When you access this screen, Costpoint prompts you to indicate the purchase requisitions you want to approve or reject via the Query dialog box. If you do not use the Query function, this screen displays in form view. Otherwise, this screen displays in table view.