Load Multicurrency Transaction Amounts

Use this screen to load multicurrency transaction amounts from source tables into your Open Billing Detail file.

You can use this utility under these conditions:

  • The project has a billing currency different from the functional currency and a transactional currency the same as the billing currency
  • The Use Transactional Currency Billing check box is selected on the Manage Project Billing Information screen

When you run this application, Costpoint populates the transactional currency and amount fields on the Manage Open Billing Detail screen using the transactional amount and currency from your General Ledger Detail file. Costpoint also loads data from the source tables to populate the fields on the Exchange Rates subtask of Manage Open Billing Detail. Note, however, that this utility updates system records only. For user-entered records, you have to enter transactional currency data and exchange rates information manually on the Manage Open Billing Detail screen.

Projects with a billing formula equal to None or Progress Payment are not updated in the process.

Note: This application is enabled only if you are licensed for multicurrency.