Accounts Tab

Use this tab to view the account types and other information established for the sales group abbreviation on the sales order line.

This tab also displays the options selected for the sales group abbreviation. The options determine the project and organization to be used during sales order entry posting. You can define sales group abbreviations on the Manage Sales Group Abbreviations screen.


Field Description
Sales Group Abbrev

Enter, or click to select, a valid sales group abbreviation. The sales group abbreviation selected is the default value on each SO line item.

Inv Abbrev

Enter, or click to select, a valid inventory abbreviation. The inventory abbreviation selected is the default value on each SO line item. Inventory abbreviation information is originally established on the Manage Inventory Projects screen, and is assigned to pricing projects and catalogs on the Manage Sales Order Project Defaults and Manage Sales Order Catalog Defaults screens, respectively. If you entered a pricing project, and a CLIN and Item on the sales order line, the default inventory abbreviation displays for the line from the Manage CLIN Information screen. The inventory abbreviation is required only for Inventory line types.

Revenue Recognition

From the drop-down list, select one of the following revenue recognition methods:

  • Deferred Revenue
  • Liquidations
  • Prepay
  • Ready for Use
  • Shipment/Sales
  • Unbilled A/R

The pricing project or catalog provides the default for this field. If you did not choose a pricing project/catalog, it defaults from the Configure Sales Order Entry Settings screen.

This revenue recognition method displays on the Details tab of the Manage Invoices screen. The revenue method and the line type together determine the journal entries made to the general ledger when the sales order journal is posted. The sales order journal entries are listed as follows:

Invoice Only line type Debit Credit
Deferred Revenue Accounts Receivable Deferred Revenue
Cost of Sales Clearing
Liquidations posted by Net Method Accounts Receivable Unbilled A/R
Cost of Sales Clearing
Liquidations posted by Gross Method Accounts Receivable Unbilled A/R
Cost of Sales Clearing
Prepay Deferred Revenue Sales
Cost of Sales Clearing
RFU/Acceptance Unbilled A/R Sales
Cost of Sales Clearing
The RFU Acceptance Date generates an additional entry, debiting Accounts Receivable and crediting Unbilled A/R.
Shipment/Sales Revenue Accounts Receivable Sales
Cost of Sales Clearing
Unbilled A/R Accounts Receivable Unbilled A/R
Cost of Sales Clearing
Recurring line type Debit Credit
Deferred Revenue Accounts Receivable Deferred Revenue
Cost of Sales Clearing
Liquidations posted by Net Method Accounts Receivable Unbilled A/R
Cost of Sales Clearing
Liquidations posted by Gross Method Accounts Receivable Unbilled A/R
Cost of Sales Clearing
Prepay Deferred Revenue Sales
Cost of Sales Clearing
RFU/Acceptance Unbilled A/R Sales
Cost of Sales Clearing
The RFU Acceptance Date generates an additional entry, debiting Accounts Receivable and crediting Unbilled A/R.
Shipment/Sales Revenue Accounts Receivable Sales
Cost of Sales Clearing
Unbilled A/R Accounts Receivable Unbilled A/R
Cost of Sales Clearing
Miscellaneous line type Debit Credit
Deferred Revenue Accounts Receivable Deferred Revenue
Liquidations posted by Net Method Accounts Receivable Unbilled A/R
Liquidations posted by Gross Method Accounts Receivable Unbilled A/R
Prepay Deferred Revenue Sales
RFU/Acceptance Unbilled A/R Sales
The RFU Acceptance Date generates an additional entry, debiting Accounts Receivable and crediting Unbilled A/R.
Shipment/Sales Revenue Accounts Receivable Sales
Unbilled A/R Accounts Receivable Unbilled A/R
Inventory line type Debit Credit
Deferred Revenue * Accounts Receivable Deferred Revenue
Liquidations posted by Net Method * Accounts Receivable Unbilled A/R
Liquidations posted by Gross Method * Accounts Receivable Unbilled A/R
Prepay * Deferred Revenue Sales
RFU/Acceptance * Unbilled A/R Sales
The RFU Acceptance Date generates an additional entry, debiting Accounts Receivable and crediting Unbilled A/R.
Shipment/Sales Revenue * Accounts Receivable Sales
Unbilled A/R * Accounts Receivable Unbilled A/R

* The inventory journal posts the cost-of-sales entry, debiting Cost of Sales and crediting Inventory.

Dropshipment line type Debit Credit
Deferred Revenue Accounts Receivable Deferred Revenue
Cost of Sales Clearing
Liquidations posted by Net Method Accounts Receivable Unbilled A/R
Cost of Sales Clearing
Liquidations posted by Gross Method Accounts Receivable Unbilled A/R
Cost of Sales Clearing
Prepay Deferred Revenue Sales
Cost of Sales Clearing
RFU/Acceptance Unbilled A/R Sales
Cost of Sales Clearing
The RFU Acceptance Date generates an additional entry, debiting Accounts Receivable and crediting Unbilled A/R.
Shipment/Sales Revenue Accounts Receivable Sales
Cost of Sales Clearing
Unbilled A/R Accounts Receivable Unbilled A/R
Cost of Sales Clearing
In Transit line type Debit Credit
Deferred Revenue Accounts Receivable Deferred Revenue
Cost of Sales Clearing
Liquidations posted by Net Method Accounts Receivable Unbilled A/R
Cost of Sales Clearing
Liquidations posted by Gross Method Accounts Receivable Unbilled A/R
Cost of Sales Clearing
Prepay Deferred Revenue Sales
Cost of Sales Clearing
RFU/Acceptance Unbilled A/R Sales
Cost of Sales Clearing
The RFU Acceptance Date generates an additional entry, debiting Accounts Receivable and crediting Ynbilled A/R.
Shipment/Sales Revenue Accounts Receivable Sales
Cost of Sales Clearing
Unbilled A/R Accounts Receivable Unbilled A/R
Cost of Sales Clearing

Where applicable, the sales order journal includes an additional entry to credit the sales tax liability account for the sales tax amount recorded on the invoice. The appropriate accounts receivable account includes the debit side of the sales tax entry.

In general, the clearing account charged by the sales order journal is offset by the accounts payable journal posting when the expense for purchased items is recognized.

All sales orders that include warranty charges have an additional sales order journal entry showing a debit to a warranty expense account and a credit to a warranty accrual account.

Project To Charge

Enter, or click to select, a project-to-charge to be used by sales abbreviations that have accounts defined for project substitution. The project-to-charge selected defaults on each SO line item. The project-to-charge can also default from the Sales Order tab of the Manage Customers screen, if it applies to the customer ID. Only accounts that require projects and that allow project substitution use the Project To Charge field.

Prime Contract No.

Enter, or click to select, the prime contract number or the number on the signed contract with the customer for the project to charge, if any.

Priority Rating

Enter, or click to select, the Defense Priorities and Allocation System (DPAS) rating for the project to charge, if any, for the project on the Government Contract subtask of the Manage Project User Flow screen.


This field displays the Accounting Classification Reference Number (ACRN) billing information.

Accounts Receivable

Field Description

This field displays the project ID assigned to the sales order, based on the account type.  

The Use Project Revenue Setup Rules checkbox determines the project that will display.

  • If the Use Project Revenue Setup Rules checkbox is selected, the Project column displays as follows:
  • ForSales Account and Deferred Revenue Account transaction types, the Projectcolumn displays the project to charge as determined by the project revenue setup rules.
  • For the Unbilled A/R Account transaction types, the Project column displays the project to charge as determined by the project revenue setup rules and project billing info.
  • If the Use Project Revenue Setup Rules checkbox is cleared, the Project column displays the project ID associated with the sales group abbreviation.
Project Name

This field displays the name or description associated with the project ID.


This field displays the organization ID assigned to the account type.

If the Sales Group Abbreviation entered has the Use Project Owning Org checkbox selected in the Accounts Receivable Account and Liquidation Account rows, the Organization column displays accordingly.

  • For Accounts Receivable Account transaction types, the default Organization that loads is equal to the project’s owning organization where the project matches the project ID associated with the sales group abbreviation. If you manually modify the accounts receivable project, the default A/R Organization that loads is equal to the owning organization of the new project.
  • For Liquidation Account transaction types, the default Organization that loads is equal to the project’s owning organization where the project matches the project ID associated with the sales group abbreviation. If you manually modify the liquidation project, the default Liquidation Organization that loads is equal to the owning organization of the new project.
Org Name

This field displays the name or description associated with the organization ID.

Org Abbrev

This field displays the organization abbreviation.


This field displays the account assigned to the account type.

Account Name

This field displays the name or description associated with the account.


This field displays the name or description associated with the reference number 1 that was assigned to the account type, under the custom label you defined for this field.


This field displays the name or description associated with the reference number 2 that was assigned to the account type, under the custom label you defined for this field.


Field Description

This field displays the project ID to be liquidated, based on the account type.  

Project Name

This field displays the name or description associated with the project ID.


This field displays the organization ID to be liquidated.

Org Name

This field displays the name or description associated with the organization ID.

Org Abbrev

This field displays the organization abbreviation.


This field displays the account assigned to the account type.

Account Name

This field displays the name or description associated with the account.


This field displays the name or description associated with the reference number 1 that was assigned to the account type, under the custom label you defined for this field.


This field displays the name or description associated with the reference number 2 that was assigned to the account type, under the custom label you defined for this field.