Indirect Subtask

Use this subtask to view the indirect expenses by pool number for this project, organization, and account.

You can enter information into this screen manually or have Costpoint update it for you. If you want Costpoint to perform the update, you must first enter data on the Manage Project Budgets by Period screen for this project. You must then use the Apply Indirect Costs to Budgets utility screen, which updates the Indirect subtask of the Manage Project Budgets By Period screen. You can then update the Manage Project Total Budget screen by using the Update Project Total Budget screen.

Note: If you use the Update Project Total Budget screen, Costpoint inserts the pool rate from the designated period into the Budget % column and the computed budgeted burden amount into the Amount column. If the rate is a "composite rate," other pools are included in the base, and you cannot arrive at the burden amount by multiplying the base amount, from the main screen, times the pool rate. In other words, Costpoint computes the budgeted burden amount per your pool configuration on the Manage Cost Pools screen. For this reason, if you manually update this subtask, you must enter the pool rate and the burden and cost of money amounts.


The data in this table is summarized and displayed on the main screen.

Field Description
Fiscal Year

If you are manually updating this subtask, enter a fiscal year for the indirect pool. If you are updating this subtask with Costpoint utilities, the pool numbers are inserted per your pool configuration.

Pool No

If you are manually updating this subtask, enter a pool number or click to view and select a pool for this fiscal year, organization, and account. If you are updating this subtask with Costpoint utilities, the pool numbers are inserted per your pool configuration.

Pool Name

The pool name defaults into this field when you enter the Pool No.

Budget %

If you are manually updating this subtask, enter a budget percent (pool rate). If you are updating this subtask with the Costpoint utilities, the budget percentages are inserted per the pool rates screen.

Indirect Amount

If you are manually updating this subtask, enter an amount. If you are updating this subtask with the Costpoint utilities, the amount is computed and inserted per your pool configuration.

Fee %

If you are manually updating this subtask, enter a percentage. Costpoint applies this Fee % to the pool budget amount to derive the Fee Amount. If you are updating this subtask with the Costpoint utilities, the percentage is inserted if you have entered a Fee % for the base account on the Manage Project Budgets by Period screen.

Fee Amount

Costpoint calculates the Fee Amount by multiplying the Fee % by the budgeted amount. If you are manually updating this subtask and have entered a Fee %, the Fee Amount is calculated. If you enter an amount in this field, Costpoint calculates the Fee %. If you are updating this subtask with the Costpoint utilities, the amount is inserted if you have entered a Fee % for the base account on the Manage Project Budgets by Period screen.

Cost of Money

If you are manually updating this subtask, enter a cost of money amount. If you are updating this subtask with the Costpoint utilities, the amount is computed and inserted per your pool configuration.