FTP File Layout - MOCAS Attachment

If you are using the Mechanization of Contract Administration Service (MOCAS) pay system and if an attachment must be submitted with the FTP file, refer to the following table to see the layout used for the attachment file.

S_TRN_TYPE S_TRN_TYPE Description Line Item (Source or "Value") - Group By Line Item Type ("Value") Stock Number ( Source, "Value", Or N/A) Product Service Type ("Value") *Description (Source) Quantity Shipped/Invoiced (Source, "Value", or N/A) Unit of Measure Code (Source, "Value", or N/A) Unit Price (Source or N/A)
B Burden Default CLIN/ACRN Mapping/CLIN Mapping 1 Follow logic of Billed Amt on which burden is computed. Follow logic of Billed Amt on which burden is computed. Follow logic of Billed Amt on which burden is computed. Follow logic of Billed Amt on which burden is computed. Follow logic of Billed Amt on which burden is computed. BILL_EDIT_DETL.mu_bill_amt
C Cost Default CLIN/ACRN Mapping/CLIN Mapping 1 If SVC exists in Line 3, insert SERVICES. If any other value, insert NONE. If SVC exists in Line 3, insert SV. If not, insert MG. Amount Billed for XXXXXX 1 EA BILL_EDIT_DETL.mu_bill_amt
C — Tax Tax on Cost LS 4 N/A N/A BILL_EDIT_DETL.bill_fm_ln_lbl N/A N/A BILL_EDIT_DETL.mu_sales_tax_amt  (if BILL_EDIT_DETL.sales_tax_cd is not null)
C — Tax Tax on Cost Follows taxable amount (Included Discount and Taxes in CLIN is selected) 1 Follows logic of taxable costs. Follows logic of taxable costs. Follows logic of taxable costs. Follows logic of taxable costs. Follows logic of taxable costs. BILL_EDIT_DETL.mu_sales_tax_amt  (if BILL_EDIT_DETL.sales_tax_cd is not null)
COM Cost of Money Default CLIN/ACRN Mapping/CLIN Mapping 1 Follows logic of Billed Amt on which COM is computed. Follows logic of Billed Amt on which COM is computed. Follows logic of Billed Amt on which COM is computed. Follows logic of Billed Amt on which COM is computed. Follows logic of Billed Amt on which COM is computed. BILL_EDIT_DETL.mu_bill_amt
DOL Discount on Labor C310 3 N/A N/A Discount N/A N/A BILL_EDIT_DETL.mu_disc_amt
DOL Discount on Labor Follows the discounted amount (Included Discount and Taxes in CLIN is selected). 1 Follows logic of discounted amount. Follows logic of discounted amount. Follows logic of discounted amount. Follows logic of discounted amount. Follows logic of discounted amount. BILL_EDIT_DETL.mu_disc_amt
DNL Discount on Non-Labor C310 3 N/A N/A Discount N/A N/A BILL_EDIT_DETL.mu_disc_amt
DNL Discount on Non-Labor Follows the discounted amount (Included Discount and Taxes in CLIN is selected). 1 Follows logic of discounted amount. Follows logic of discounted amount. Follows logic of discounted amount. Follows logic of discounted amount. Follows logic of discounted amount. BILL_EDIT_DETL.mu_disc_amt
F Fee Default CLIN/ACRN Mapping/CLIN Mapping 1 Follows logic of Billed Amt on which fee is computed. Follows logic of Billed Amt on which fee is computed. Follows logic of Billed Amt on which fee is computed. Follows logic of Billed Amt on which fee is computed. Follows logic of Billed Amt on which fee is computed. BILL_EDIT_DETL.mu_bill_amt
FH Fee on Hours Default CLIN/ACRN Mapping/CLIN Mapping 1 Follows logic of Billed Hours on which fee is computed. Follows logic of Billed Hours on which fee is computed. Follows logic of Billed Hours on which fee is computed. Follows logic of Billed Hours on which fee is computed. Follows logic of Billed Hours on which fee is computed. BILL_EDIT_DETL.mu_bill_amt
FL Fee on Labor Default CLIN/ACRN Mapping/CLIN Mapping 1 Follows logic of Billed Amt on which fee is computed. Follows logic of Billed Amt on which fee is computed. Follows logic of Billed Amt on which fee is computed. Follows logic of Billed Amt on which fee is computed. Follows logic of Billed Amt on which fee is computed. BILL_EDIT_DETL.mu_bill_amt
H Hours Default CLIN/ACRN Mapping/CLIN Mapping 1 If SVC exists in Line 3, insert SERVICES.  If any other value, insert NONE. If SVC exists in Line 3, Insert SV. If not, insert MG. Amount Billed for XXXXXX 1 EA BILL_EDIT_DETL.mu_bill_amt
OC Over Cost Ceiling Computed in "Helper" table at Detail Level.  Follows mapping method (Default CLIN, ACRN Mapping, CLIN Mapping) 1 Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which ceiling applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which ceiling applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which ceiling applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which ceiling applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which ceiling applies. Over Cost Ceiling from Helper table
OF Over Fee Ceiling Computed in "Helper" table at Detail Level.  Follows mapping method (Default CLIN, ACRN Mapping, CLIN Mapping) 1 Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which ceiling applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which ceiling applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which ceiling applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which ceiling applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which ceiling applies. Over Fee Ceiling from Helper table
OT Over Total Ceiling Computed in "Helper" table at Detail Level.  Follows mapping method (Default CLIN, ACRN Mapping, CLIN Mapping) 1 Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which ceiling applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which ceiling applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which ceiling applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which ceiling applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which ceiling applies. Over Total Ceiling from Helper table
**R Retainage Computed in "Helper" Table at Detail Level. Follows mapping method (Default CLIN, ACRN Mapping, CLIN Mapping) 1 Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which retainage applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which retainage applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which retainage applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which retainage applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which retainage applies. Retainage from Helper table
SCH Scheduled Amts Default CLIN/ACRN Mapping/CLIN Mapping 1 N/A MG Amount Billed for XXXXXX 1 EA BILL_EDIT_DETL.mu_bill_amt
U Units Group units by account using mapping method (Default CLIN/ACRN Mapping/CLIN Mapping) when Map Units by Account is selected. 1 If SVC exists in Line 3, insert SERVICES. If any other value, insert NONE. If SVC exists in Line 3, insert SV. If not, insert MG. Amount Billed for XXXXXX 1 EA BILL_EDIT_DETL.mu_bill_amt
U Units Group by BILL_EDIT_DETL.CLIN_ID or PRICE_CATLG_CD.  May include other billed amounts mapped to same CLIN/catalog when Combine Units by Transaction CLIN is selected. 1 PART.NSN_ID or NONE if No NSN_ID exists or combining multiple items. If SVC exists in Line 3, insert SERVICES. FS if NSN_ID exists and is inserted in Stock Number. If NONE is used for Stock Number, use MG.  If SVC exists in Line 3, insert SV. BILL_EDIT_DETL.ITEM_DESC if one Item is included. If more than one Item, use Amount Billed for XXXXXXX. BILL_EDIT_DETL.bill_qty Use ITEM.DFLT_UM_CD if one item.  If more than one item, use EA. BILL_EDIT_DETL.mu_unit_price_amt
U — Tax Tax on Units LS 4 N/A N/A BILL_EDIT_DETL.bill_fm_ln_lbl N/A N/A BILL_EDIT_DETL.mu_sales_tax_amt (if BILL_EDIT_DETL.sales_tax_cd is not null)
U — Tax Tax on Units Follows Taxable Units (Include Discount and Taxes in CLIN is Selected) 1 Follows logic of taxable units. Follows logic of taxable units. Follows logic of taxable units. Follows logic of taxable units. Follows logic of taxable units. BILL_EDIT_DETL.mu_sales_tax_amt (if BILL_EDIT_DETL.sales_tax_cd is not null)
Other Charges Other Charges BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR.oth_chg_cd > 1, 2, 3 2 N/A N/A BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR.oth_chg_desc1, 2, 3 N/A N/A BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR.mu_oth_chg_amt1, 2, 3
WH Withholding Computed in Helper table at detail level. Follows mapping method (Default CLIN, ACRN Mapping, CLIN Mapping). 1 Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which withholding applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which withholding applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which withholding applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which withholding applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which withholding applies. Withholding from Helper table.
WHR Withholding Release Computed in Helper table at detail level. Follows mapping method (Default CLIN, ACRN Mapping, CLIN Mapping). 1 Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which withholding applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which withholding applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which withholding applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which withholding applies. Follows logic of Billed Amounts to which withholding applies. Withholding from Helper table.

Take note of the following:

  • Group Tax on Units and Tax on Cost into one line if Include Discounts and Taxes in CLIN is not selected.
  • If field is N/A, skip field. Do not insert N/A.
  • Insert the CLIN in the Code field on the Manage Other Charges screen.
  • A Line Item Type of 3 or 4 can only have two digits to the right of the decimal. Line type of 1 can have only four digits to the right of the decimal.
  • No negative CLINs are acceptable in file.