Item (ITM) Error Messages

These are the more complicated errors associated with the ITM Line Type.

Error Message Additional Info/Remedy
Item rejected. Bad PRT and/or IUM. The ITM record was rejected because a PRT and/or IUM record associated with the ITM record (with the same Item ID/Item Revision ID) contained an error. Because the ITM, PRT, and IUM tables are logically linked, the ITM record could not be uploaded. Correct the associated PRT and/or IUM records.
ITM rejected, duplicate key. Each ITM record in the input file must have a unique key (Item ID/Item Revision ID). The input file contains multiple ITM records with the same key values

 indicated on the report. Remove all duplicate ITM records.

Invalid Industry Class Code Industry Class does not exist in IND_CLASS
Invalid Subcontractor Charge Type Input file value is not “L”, “E” or “O”
Missing required UDF line Input file is missing a UDF row for a user-defined field that is deemed Required.  That is, if UDEF_LBL row exists with S_TABLE_ID = ‘ITEM’, REQD_FL = ‘Y’ and COMPANY_ID matching login company (only if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. ITEMS_BY_COMP_FL = Y)
Inactive item with dependent data. Input file has ITEM.ACTIVE_FL = N, but the part is currently used in MBOM or EBOM (Assembly, or Component with Comp Type NOT ‘D’eleted), PO line (PO_LN. S_LN_STATUS_TYPE not = C, S or V), Requisition line (RQ_LN. S_RQ_STATUS_CD not = V, C or G), MO (MO_HDR. S_MO_STATUS_CD not = C or L), SO line (SO_LN. S_LN_STATUS_TYPE not = V, C or S), Inventory qty exists (INVT_WHSE_LOC.LOC_QTY > 0).
Invalid NAICS code Value does not exist in OPP_NAICS_CODES table, or exists with SHOW_LOOKUP_FL = N