Initial Planning Process

Use the Compute Material Requirements screen to plan products even though their bill of material may not be completed.

You can identify, requisition, and reserve long lead-time parts without a released BOM. To generate requisitions and manufacturing orders (you can still generate reports for unreleased BOMs.), an end part's manufacturing BOM status must be released or partially released. If the BOM status is partially released, only the subassemblies and components for which the Comp Rel Flag is Y (Yes) on the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material screen in Costpoint Bills of Material will be planned by the system. The function will not plan any part, or any of its components, when that part's Comp Rel Flag is N (No).

When planning in-process bills of material and generating purchase requisitions, we suggest that you also create inventory reservations to allocate the inventory you will need later in the manufacturing process. If you run the planning process and generate requisitions without also creating reservations, this material will appear as available inventory to any future job checking the same inventory project. Selecting the Reservations option in the Requirement Type group box in the Process Options subtask will create one reservation for each end part listed in the function, and a reservation line for each required purchased part and any make part that does not have a BOM. No reservation lines will be created for subassemblies in the end part BOM.

Once requisitions and MOs/reservations are generated, you should also manually reserve the end parts required quantities using an issue type reservation or an inventory sales order. This will formalize the requirements for these end parts in case another planner runs a new Compute Material Requirements function for the same end parts and inventory projects.

As modifications are made to the manufacturing BOM, the planning process can be rerun using the saved parameters to capture the newly released components. Before rerunning the Compute Material Requirements screen, delete the old reservations generated during the previous run and manually created for the end parts and select the Plan New option in the Requirements group box. Any requisitions generated from a previous run will be considered available inventory for the new run, and new reservations will be generated to reflect the latest BOM. Note that this process will not identify or cancel requisitions that were created for parts that were subsequently deleted from the BOM (you may want to set the component type to D (Deleted) in the manufacturing BOM rather than physically delete the line; go to the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material screen in Costpoint Bills of Material and enter D (Deleted) in the Comp Type field for the component). Make sure the As of Date field is modified to reflect the latest version of the BOM and re-add the reservations for the end part requirements.

Creating manufacturing orders will also reserve lower-level components and subassemblies, but once an MO is created, you must manually modify requirements using the Manage Manufacturing Orders or Expedite Manufacturing Orders screens for any BOM modification processed. We suggest that manufacturing orders be created only when the BOM is relatively stable (or at least near the required manufacturing start time). When generating manufacturing orders, delete any old reservations generated from a previous run of this job to prevent doubling reservation quantities.