Update MRP - Full Regeneration and Net Change

On the Update Material Requirements Plan screen, you can run material requirements plans in Full Regeneration or Net Change modes.

If conditions force the run in Full Regeneration mode, the Net Change option is not available. However, if the full regeneration flag is not enabled (MRP_REGEN_FL is N in SQL), you can run the next update either in Full Regeneration or Net Change mode, provided that you have selected the Allow Net Change MRP checkbox in the Corporate Settings block of the Configure Material Requirements Planning Settings screen.


You cannot modify the MRP Regeneration Flag's (MRP_REGEN_FL in the MRP_SETTINGS_CORP table) value directly in Costpoint. Rather, you can change this value only to Y (Yes) or N (No) in SQL. Please contact your system administrator or Costpoint technical support for assistance before modifying any data in SQL.

In order for a part to be selected for MRP planning, the part must be active (that is, the Active checkbox must be selected on the Manage Parts in Costpoint Product Definition), and have a Planning Type of MRP in the Planning subtask in the Manage Parts screen. In addition, parts will also be selected for MRP planning if Plan MPS Part Requirements is selected in the Corporate Settings block of the Material Requirements Planning Settings screen, and the part's Planning Type is MPS in the Planning subtask in the Manage Parts screen. These conditions must be fulfilled in order for the applications to update the net change flags for parts in various Costpoint applications.

Full Regeneration

If you run in Full Regeneration mode, the program will review all active MRP parts in the part master and determine which planned orders need to be generated. The program will delete all previously created MRP planned orders and requirements at the beginning of this process and re-add them as necessary during the process. The net change flag of all parts that were selected for MRP update is changed to N after the process has run successfully in Full Regeneration mode. The full regeneration flag is also changed to N (No) after a successful run in full regeneration mode.

Modifications made to the Project Planning Option (that is, the MRP option code), Netting Group, or default inventory abbreviations on the Manage Inventory Projects screen in Costpoint Inventory force the next MRP update to be in Full Regeneration mode, because the MRP regeneration flag is Y (Yes). Adding a new inventory project will also force the next MRP update to be in Full Regeneration mode. If you select the Allow Net Change MRP in the Corporate Settings block of the Material Requirements Planning Settings screen, Costpoint will also force the next MRP update to be in Full Regeneration mode, but you can execute all subsequent MRP runs in either Net Change or Full Regeneration mode.

Net Change

The Net Change mode is available only if you have selected the Allow Net Change MRP checkbox in the Corporate Settings block of the Material Requirements Planning Settings screen.

In Net Change mode, only those parts (and their components) that have had relevant activity since the last time the Update Material Requirements Plan application was run will be checked. You cannot run this mode unless the part's net change flag (PART. NET_CHG_FL) is set to Y (Yes) every time modifications are made to data that can affect that part's inventory requirements.


You cannot modify the value for a part's net change flag (NET_CHG_FL in the PART table) directly in Costpoint. If you have selected the Allow Net Change MRP checkbox in the Corporate Settings block of the Material Requirements Planning Settings screen and run the Update Material Requirements Plan application (or the application is run in Full Regeneration mode), the part's net change flag changes to N (No).

If for some reason, the MRP is already set to run in Full Regeneration mode (MRP_SETTINGS_CORP. MRP_REGEN_FL = Y), subsequent activities that would normally update the part's Net Change Flag from N to Y will not do so, because all parts are already slated to be re-planned in the next run (in Full Regeneration mode).

The net change flag for all parts that were selected for the MRP Update is changed to N after the process has run successfully in Net Change mode.