Applications That Update the Net Change Flag

Several Costpoint applications update the net change flag.


Field Description
Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material, Release Manufacturing Bills of Material (Costpoint Bills of Material)

If you add or delete a component part, or modify one of the following fields, the Net Change Flag changes from N to Y.

Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material or Release Manufacturing Bills of Material main screen: Quantity, Qty Type

Component Type (assigned to the part in the Manage Parts screen), Leadtime Offset, Omit Requirement, Stop Explosion.

Similarly, if you modify the assembly part's Yield percentage or BOM Status, the Net Change Flag will also be changed from N to Y.

Release Multiple Manufacturing Bills of Material (Costpoint Bills of Material)

If you modify an assembly part's MBOM Status, the assembly part's Net Change Flag will change from N to Y.

Apply Mass Component Changes to Bills of material (Costpoint Bills of Material)

If the original or new component is an MRP planned part, the parent assembly part's Net Change Flag will be changed from N to Y.

Copy Bills of Material (Costpoint Bills of Material)

If the copy function is either Engineering BOM To Manufacturing BOM or Proposal BOM To Manufacturing BOM and the process executes successfully, the copied assembly part's net change flag will be changed to Y, thus flagging the part for the Update MRP process in Net Change mode.

Imprt Bills of Material (Costpoint Bills of Material)

If you add, modify, or delete a manufacturing bill of material, the assembly part's net change flag will be updated from N to Y.

If you add or delete a component part, or modify the Quantity, Quantity Type, Component Type, Omit Requirement checkbox, or Stop Explosion checkbox, the net change flag changes from N to Y.

If you modify a manufacturing bill of material component part, the net change flag will be updated for both the original and the new part.

Apply ECN Changes (Costpoint Engineering Change Notices)

New part/revisions have an initial net change flag of Y."If you modify a part (both Original and Change-to), the flag will be changed from N to Y.

Modifications to an assembly part's bills of material for MRP planned components update the parent assembly's net change flag from N to Y.

Enter Location Transfers (Costpoint Inventory)

If the From Location is different than the To Location, the transferred part's net change flag will be changed from N to Y.

Also, if you selected the Plan Warehouse Separately checkbox in the Corporate Settings block of the Configure Material Requirements Planning Settings screen, and the inventory transaction line's from and to warehouses are different, the transferred part's net change flag will be changed from N to Y.

Enter Manufacturing Issues (Costpoint Inventory)

The issued part's net change flag is updated from N to Y. If you modify the Issue Type or the to inventory abbreviation on an inventory issue, the net change flag will also be changed from N to Y.

Manage Inventory Reservations (Costpoint Inventory)

If you add, modify, or delete a reservation line, the associated part's net change flag will be changed from N to Y.

If you modify the part, the net change flag will be changed from N to Y on both the original and the new part.

If you modify the from inventory abbreviation (for Issue reservation types) or from or to inventory abbreviation (for Transfer reservation types), the net change flag for the reserved part will also change from N to Y.

Enter Inventory Transfers (Costpoint Inventory)

The net change flag for all affected parts is updated from N to Y.

Enter Quantity Adjustments (Costpoint Inventory)

The net change flag for all affected parts is updated from N to Y.

Enter Inventory Requests (Costpoint Inventory)

The part associated with any line that is added, modified, or deleted will have its net change flag changed from N to Y.

If you modify the part, the Net Change Flag changes from N to Y. on both the original and the new part.

If you modify the from inventory abbreviation (for Issue request types) or from or to inventory abbreviation (for Transfer request types), the net change flag for the requested part will also change from N to Y.

Manage PO/Req Inventory Reservations (Costpoint Inventory)

The net change flag for all affected parts is updated from N to Y.

Enter Scrap Adjustments (Costpoint Inventory)

The Net Change Flag for all affected parts is updated from N to Y.

Create Mass Inventory Transfers (Costpoint Inventory)

For all transfers with a non-zero quantity, the part's net change flag is updated from N to Y. The flag will also be updated if reservations are deleted for that part.

Import Inventory Transactions (Costpoint Inventory)
  • Issues to Project/Acct/Org: The issued part's net change flag is updated from N to Y.
  • Issues to MOs: The issued part's net change flag is updated from N to Y.
  • Location Transfers: If the From Location is different than the To Location, the transferred part's net change flag changes from N to Y.
  • Inventory Transfers: The net change flag for all affected parts is updated from N to Y.
  • Quantity Adjustment: The net change flag for all affected parts is updated from N to Y.
Update Low-Level Codes (Costpoint Material Requirements Planning)

If Costpoint MRP is active, and you modify a component part's low-level code, the part's net change flag will be updated from N to Y.

Manage MRP Action Messages (Costpoint Material Requirements Planning)

If you create a modification that will affect the quantity, status, planned release date, or due date of an order, requisition, or reservation, the associated part's net change flag will be updated from N to Y. If you cancel an order, the net change flag will also be updated from N to Y.

If you alter an MO reservation line's quantity or need date, or if the reservation line is deleted as a result of MO modifications, the part's net change flag for reservation line changes from N to Y.

The Net Change Flag is not updated if a planned order is selected, modified, or deleted.

Manage Inventory Abbreviation Peggings (Costpoint Material Requirements Planning)

If any pegging row is inserted, modified or deleted, both the parent and components of an assembly BOM will have their net change flag updated from N to Y, respectively.

Update Material Requirements Plan (Costpoint Material Requirements Planning)

After the MRP process is run successfully, all affected parts have their net change flag set to N. This applies to updates in both Full Regeneration and Net Change modes.

Firm Material Requirements Planning  Planned Orders (Costpoint Material Requirements Planning)

For each part for which a manufacturing order, requisition, or reservation is generated, the net change flag is changed from N to Y.

Manage Sales Orders or Manage Sales Orders Supervisor Screen (Costpoint Sales Order Entry)

If any additions, modifications, or deletions affect reservations, the associated part's (and components) net change flag will be updated from N to Y.

If you modify the part, the Net Change Flag will be updated for both the original and the new part.

Approve Sales Orders (Costpoint Sales Order Entry)

If any additions, modifications or deletions affect reservations, the associated part's (and components) net change flag will be updated from N to Y.

If you modify the part, the net change flag will be updated for both the original and the new part.

Manage Sales Order Inventory Issues (Costpoint Sales Order Entry)

The issued part's net change flag is updated from N to Y.

Create Purchase Requisitions from Sales Orders (Costpoint Sales Order Entry)

The net change flag for all affected parts is updated from N to Y.

Import Sales Orders (Costpoint Sales Order Entry)

If any additions, modifications, or deletions affect reservations, the associated part's (and components) net change flag will be updated from N to Y.

If you modify the part, the net change flag will be updated for both the original and the new part.

Expedite Manufacturing Orders (Costpoint Production Control)

If you add or delete an MO, the build part's net change flag changes from N to Y. Also, the net change flag of any requirement components will be updated from N to Y. as a result of the reservations created.

If any MO modification affects the build part's order quantity or the planned due date, the net change flag for the build part will be updated from N to Y. If you modify the build part, the flag will be updated for both the original and the new part.

Similarly, if any MO requirements modifications affect the inventory reservation quantity or the planned reserved quantity (if MRP is not used) for the build part, or the MO's need date, the component part's net change flag will be updated from N to Y. If you modify the build part, the net change flag will be updated for the component requirements of both the original and the new part. Only an MO with a status of Planned can create a planned reserved quantity for the components (which could be subassemblies that have their own MOs). If MRP is used, MOs with a Planned status cannot be used.

Enter Manufacturing Order Issues (Costpoint Production Control)

For any issue line with a non-zero quantity, the part's net change flag is updated from N to Y.

Enter Manufacturing Orders (Costpoint Production Control)

If you add or delete an MO, the build part's net change flag changes from N to Y. Also, the net change flag of any requirement components will be updated from N to Y as a result of the reservations created.

If any MO modification affects the build part's order quantity or the planned due date, the net change flag for the build part will be updated from N to Y. If you modify the build part, the net change flag will be updated for both the original and the new part.

Similarly, if any MO requirements modifications affect the inventory reservation quantity or the planned reserved quantity (if MRP is not used) for the build part, or the MO's need date, the component part's net change flag will be updated from N to Y. If you modify the build part, the net change flag will be updated for the component requirements of both the original and the new part. Only an MO with a status of Planned can create a planned reserved quantity for the components (which could be subassemblies that have their own MOs). If MRP is used, MOs with a Planned status cannot be used.

Enter Manufacturing Order Reliefs (Costpoint Production Control)

The net change flag is updated from N to Y for the build part, whenever a positive or negative quantity relief is saved or the MO's status is modified. If you delete or insert reservation lines, the net change flag for each part on a reservation line will also be updated from N to Y.

Compute Material Requirements (Costpoint Production Control)

For each part for which a manufacturing order, requisition, or reservation is generated, the net change flag is changed from N to Y.

Create MO Subcontractor Requisitions (Costpoint Production Control)

The net change flag for all affected parts is updated from N to Y.

Manage Parts (Costpoint Product Definition)

If you add a new part, its net change flag has an initial value of Y.

If you add or modify safety stock for a part or project, the part's net change flag will be updated from N to Y.

Planning subtask: If you modify the part's Planning Type, Lead Time, Inventory Part checkbox, Common Stock checkbox, Order Policy Type, Planning Type, Minimum/Multiple/Max quantities, Common Stock Inventory Abbreviation, Inventory U/M, or U/M Conversion, the part's net change flag changes from N to Y.

If the part status is Phase Out or Estimating, or if the part is inactive, the net change flag is not updated from N to Y.

Manage Part Project Data (Costpoint Product Definition)

If you add or modify safety stock for a part or project, the part's net change flag will be updated from N to Y.

Import items (Costpoint Product Definition)

If you add a new part, its net change flag has an initial value of Y.

If any modification is made to the part's Planning Type, Inventory Part checkbox, Common Stk checkbox, Order Policy Type, Minimum/Multiple/Max quantities, Common Stock Inv Abbrev, Inventory U/M, or U/M Conversion, the part's net change flag changes from N to Y.

Expedite Purchase Orders (Costpoint Purchasing)

If you add, modify, or delete a purchase order or PO line (standard or release PO only) in such a way that the on order quantity for the part is altered, or if the due date is modified for an inventory PO line, the part's net change flag will be updated from N to Y. If you modify the part, the net change flag for both the original part and the new part will be updated.

If you delete, void, or close a purchase order or PO line (standard or release PO only), and the associated reservation lines with inventory abbreviations are deleted, the net change flag of the line parts will also be updated from N to Y.

Manage Purchase Orders (Costpoint Purchasing)

If you add, modify, or delete a purchase order or PO line (standard or release PO only) in such a way that the on order quantity for the part is altered, or if the due date is modified for an inventory PO line, the part's net change flag will be updated from N to Y. If you modify a part, the net change flag on both the original and the new part will be updated.

If you delete, void, or close a purchase order or PO line (standard or release PO only), and the associated reservation lines with inventory abbreviations are deleted, the net change flag of the line parts will also be updated from N to Y.

Create Blanket Releases (Costpoint Purchasing)

If requisition modifications affect the blanket order quantity for the PO line part, the net change flag for the part will be updated from N to Y. If you modify the part, the net change flag will be updated only for the new part.

Import Purchase Orders (Costpoint Purchasing)

If you add, modify, or delete a purchase order or PO line (standard or release PO only) in such a way that the on order quantity for the part is altered, or if the due date is modified for an inventory PO line, the part's net change flag will be updated from N to Y. If you modify part, the net change flag on both the original and the new part will be updated.

Manage Purchase Requisitions (Costpoint Procurement Planning)

If you add a requisition line, the net change flag for the line part will be updated from N to Y. If a requisition modify affects the requisition quantity, or if the requested date is modified for an inventory requisition line, the net change flag will also be updated from N to Y. If you modify the part, the net change flag will be updated for both the original and the new part.

If you create, modify, or delete a PO assignment to the requisition line, the net change flag will also be updated from N to Y.

If you delete, void, or close a requisition or requisition line, and the associated planned reservation quantity for each line is deleted, the net change flag of the part on the requisition line will be updated from N to Y.

Create Purchase Orders (Costpoint Procurement Planning)

If the requisition line has an inventory abbreviation, the net change flag for the part will be updated from N to Y whenever a PO is created.

If a reservation is added, or if modifications are made to the reservation quantity or planned reservation quantity, each of the reservation line rows' parts will have their net change flag updated from N to Y.

Approve Purchase Requisition Lines (Costpoint Procurement Planning)

If the status of a requisition line with an inventory abbreviation changes to Rejected, the net change flag for the part on the requisition line will be updated from N to Y.

Approve Purchase Requisitions (Procurement Planning)

If the status of a requisition line with an inventory abbreviation changes to Rejected, the net change flag for the part on the requisition line will be updated from N to Y.

Manage Quality Control Inspections (Costpoin Receiving)

If you add, modify, or delete a line with an inventory abbreviation, the affected part's net change flag will be updated from N to Y.

Enter Miscellaneous Inventory Receipts (Costpoint Receiving)

When you save a new line, the affected part's net change flag is updated from N to Y.

Manage Purchase Order Receipts (Costpoint Receiving)

If you add, modify, or delete a line that has an inventory abbreviation, the affected part's net change flag will be updated from N to Y. If you modify the part ID, the net change flag for both the original and the new part will be updated.

Manage Vendor Returns (Costpoint Receiving)

If you add, modify, or delete a line that has an inventory abbreviation, the affected part's net change flag will be updated from N to Y.