Line 14d Detail Subtask

Use this subtask's "drill-down" feature to review the individual transactions that compose the billing lines. This particular subtask is available for lines 14a, 14b, and 14d of the form 1443.

The detail for lines 14a, 14b, and 14d are identical. Transactions for these three bill lines are obtained from the subcontractor progress payments file. If you need to modify these lines, you must do so on the Manage Subcontractor Progress Payments screen. For example, if a subcontractor transaction needs to be placed on hold, clear the Accepted check box on the Subcontractor Progress Payments screen.


Field Description
Line Total

This field displays the amount of this billing line from the main screen.

Line 14d Detail

Field Description
Transaction Project

This field displays the project to which the transaction was posted.


This field displays the account to which the transaction was posted.


This field displays the organization to which the transaction was posted.

Ref 1

This field displays the reference number 1 to which the transaction was posted, if applicable.

Ref 2

This field displays the reference number 2 to which the transaction was posted, if applicable.

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year to which the transaction was posted is displayed in this field.


This period to which the transaction was posted is displayed.


This subperiod to which the transaction was posted is displayed in this field.

Transaction Amount

This amount of the transaction that was posted is displayed.

Billing Amount

The amount in this field depends on the type of subcontractor invoice. For subcontractor invoices designated as progress payment, this field displays the amount of the transaction that was billed. For delivery subcontractor invoices, this field displays the liquidation amount.

Vendor ID

This field displays the employee or vendor ID of the transactions.

Vendor Name

This field displays the full employee or vendor name of the vendor ID.

Voucher No.

This field displays the voucher number of the transaction.

A/P Invoice ID

This field displays the invoice number of the transaction.

Invc Type

This field displays the type of subcontractor invoice, P (Progress Payment) or D (Delivery).

Invoice Amount

The amount in this field depends on the type of subcontractor invoice. For subcontractor invoices designated as Progress Payment, this field displays the invoice amount. For Delivery subcontractor invoices, this field also displays the invoice amount. However, since subcontractors are also subject to the rules of progress payments, this invoice amount was reduced by the liquidation amount before the voucher was entered. Therefore, for Delivery invoices, this field displays the Net Delivery invoice amount.

Shipment Amount

The amount in this field depends on the type of subcontractor invoice. For subcontractor invoices designated as Progress Payment, this field is not used because no shipment or delivery is made using a Progress Payment bill. For Delivery subcontractor invoices, this field displays the amount of the delivery.

Liquidation Amount

The amount in this field depends on the type of subcontractor invoice. For subcontractor invoices designated as Progress Payment, this field is not used because no liquidation is made using Progress Payment bills. For Delivery subcontractor invoices, this field is the difference between the Shipment Amount and Invoice Amount.


This field, which is applicable to both Progress Payment and Delivery invoices, displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether the goods have been accepted. Costpoint automatically marks this column with a Y (Yes) if the Invoice Amount and Paid Amount columns are equal. For invoices that are not accepted, select the Accepted check box on the Manage Subcontractor Progress Payments screen.


This field displays the source of the subcontractor invoice: S (System) or U (User). Costpoint automatically populates this field.


This field displays the description of the transaction as it was entered.