Account Distributions

Charge all purchases to a valid project/organization/account or account/organization.

Costpoint uses these charge accounts to calculate and distribute purchase commitment amounts and to distribute vendor charges when the vendor invoice vouchers are posted against the accounting ledgers. You specify all charges at the purchase order line level, although you can enter default values on the Manage Purchase Orders screen and populate the Accounts subtask with those charge numbers.

Note: The amounts to be charged include extended amount of the items purchased (quantity net unit price), sales tax on the item (if taxable), any line charges added to that line, and any sales tax on the line charges (if one or more are taxable). The tax rate applied is based on the sales tax code associated with the ship ID for that particular line.

For a charge number to be valid, all the standard Costpoint accounting criteria must be met. You can use only detailed account numbers, and all elements and charge combinations must be active. In addition, accounts you enter must be set up with an account entry group linked to the Manage Purchase Orders screen. (Such accounts should also be linked to the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen to ensure that these charges can be used when the PO is invoiced.)

You can allocate a given purchase order line amount across combinations of multiple valid charge numbers. You can also charge the PO line amount across as many charge numbers as you wish. You can allocate the amount by using a percentage or by entering a specific amount to charge and allowing Costpoint to calculate percentages. If the PO line amount changes after you have set up the charges, the function recalculates charge amounts based on the original percentages. If you have set up reference numbers, you can also enter these on each of the PO line charge.

If you use Costpoint Inventory, remember that any parts to be received and tracked in inventory must be charged to an inventory abbreviation. This abbreviation loads the project, account, and organization information into the Accounts subtask of the Manage Purchase Orders screen. If you enter an inventory abbreviation on a PO line, you must also enter an inventory part in the Item field. You cannot use an inventory abbreviation to order goods, services, miscellaneous charges, or non-inventory parts. You cannot allocate inventory parts to multiple charge numbers on a given line.