Revenue on Units

To calculate revenue on projects with units, select the Calculate Revenue on Units check box on the Manage Revenue Information screen. This enables revenue to be calculated on units, in addition to the revenue that is calculated based by the revenue formula.

Note that you must enter one of the following transaction-based revenue formulas for unit revenue calculations to be allowed:

  • Fee on Hours plus Cost Incurred
  • Contract Value times % Complete vs. Rate Schedule
  • Cost plus Fee On Cost
  • Labor Cost times Multiplier plus Non-Labor times Multiplier (Cost and Hours)
  • Loaded Labor Rate
  • Loaded Labor Rate plus Cost Incurred On Non-Labor (T&M)
  • Loaded Labor Rate w/Burden w/Fee plus Non-Labor w/Burden w/Fee
  • Loaded Labor Rate w/Fee plus Non-Labor w/Burden w/Fee
  • Loaded Labor plus Non-Labor Plus Burden On Non-Labor
  • Loaded Labor plus Non-Labor w/Burden w/Fee
  • Rate Schedule times Multiplier plus Non-Labor times Multiplier

If you try to use a revenue formula, other than the ones listed previously, with unit-based revenue, Costpoint displays the following error message: "This fixed amount formula is not allowed to have unit revenue." If you want to calculate unit-based revenue only, and not include any non-unit-based revenue, use the Unit Revenue Only revenue formula. Do not select the Calculate Revenue on Units check box if you are using this formula. For revenue formulas containing units, an account designated with the function code of REVENUE must exist in the Project Account Group of the project. This account does not need to be linked to the project.

If you use the automatic billing quantity feature, this function applies to billing only. Because those items are not entered through the Manage Unit Usage screen, revenue is not calculated on them using a transaction-based formula. Therefore, if you use the automatic billing quantity feature, use one of the two Revenue Equal To Billings formulas to capture the revenue on those items.

If you are initializing Costpoint for a fiscal year already in progress, enter the current-year unit usage transactions, which have already been posted, on the Manage Units Usage History screen. That screen and the Manage Unit Usage screen form the current year-to-date file for a given document. This file is the source for any unit-based revenue formulas. For projects that began earlier than the current fiscal year and that use a unit-based revenue formula, complete the Manage Prior Year Unit Revenue screen. This screen is used in the calculation of the units in excess of ceiling.