Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions

Buyers and other purchasing personnel can use this screen to provide the additional information required for processing requisition lines into purchase order lines.

Buyers can also reject requisitions on the Hdr Approvals or Line Approvals subtasks.

This screen is similar in functionality to the Manage Purchase Requisitions screen. Information previously assigned to the requisition or requisition lines on the Manage Purchase Requisitions screen, or in any other screen where requisition and requisition line information can be modified, displays on this screen. You can also use this screen to add new requisitions, and add additional requisition lines to existing requisitions that were originally created on this screen, depending on the status of the requisition and the approval process. RFQs (request for quotes) and quotes can be generated for and referenced to requisition lines.

You can create new requisitions on this screen and submit them for approval, if required. Use this screen whenever purchasing personnel need to add or modify requisitions.


This screen contains the following tabs:

  • Header: Use this tab to enter general information for this requisition.
  • Accounting Defaults: Use this tab to enter default accounting settings for this requisition.
  • Other Information: Use this tab to specify additional information you want to use for this requisition, such as delivery, purchase order, taxation, budgeting, and export options.
  • Notes: Use this tab to enter additional information or comments you for this requisition.
  • Assign PO Defaults: Use this tab to establish the default PO and vendor settings for each line on the Requisition Lines table window.
  • Security Requirements: Use this tab to specify the security requirements of any resource that are used for the line. This will apply only to requisitions that have been specified as a subcontractor agreement.  All fields will be cleared and disabled if the requisition is not specified as a subcontractor agreement.