Inventory Project Selection Options

You can use the Inventory Project Selection group box to select which projects will be checked when determining current inventory availability.

If you select an individual project (select the Inventory Project option and enter the project in the blank field below), that project's Project Planning Option code will be used to determine which other projects' inventory, if any, will be checked. The codes are:

  • Project-No CS: Only the inventory for the specified project will be checked.
  • Project-CS: For non-common stock parts (identified on the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition), only the inventory for the specified project will be checked. For common stock parts, inventory in common inventory projects will also be included in the inventory availability calculation.
  • Top-Level Project-No CS: Only the inventory for the projects sharing the same top-level project ID as the entered project will be checked.
  • Top-Level Project-CS: For non-common stock parts, only the inventory for the projects sharing the same top-level project ID as the entered project will be checked. For common stock parts, inventory in common inventory projects will also be included in the inventory availability calculation.
  • Netting Group-No CS: Only the inventory for the projects sharing the same netting group will be checked.
  • Netting Group-CS: For non-common stock parts, only the inventory for the projects sharing the same netting group will be checked. For common stock parts, inventory in common inventory projects will also be included in the inventory availability calculation.

If you select the All Inventory Projects option, all projects inventory will be included when checking inventory availability.

If you select the Netting Group option, only the inventory projects belonging to the selected netting group will be checked.

If you select the Include Common Inventory Projects check box, inventory projects flagged as being common inventory projects in the Manage Inventory Project screen in Costpoint Inventory will be included.

On new jobs, you might want to run the process against all projects first, selecting the Break Out Supply/Rqmts by Project check box without generating requisitions, MOs, or reservations. This can identify other projects that have surplus material that may be usable in the job's planning project. Once the surplus material is transferred, or a transfer reservation is created, the process can be rerun for the specific project or netting group to generate the necessary requisitions and MOs for material that cannot be pulled from other sources.