Detailed Table Specifications

This section defines the data element in each table to be loaded or updated by the Import Vendor Quotes preprocessor. Each section (Quote Header, Quote Line, Quote Line Break, and Quote Line Charge) lists the Costpoint columns for each table.

One Vendor Quote Line record (QT_LN) is written per vendor quote line input record. Depending on the contents of the input record, up to five Vendor Quote Line Break (QT_LN_BRK) rows and up to three Vendor Quote Line Charge (QT_LN_CHG) rows may also be written.

Vendor Quote Header (QT_HDR)

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Validations/Notes
Quote QUOTE_ID From Header Input File
Vendor VEND_ID From Header Input File
Quote Type QT_TYPE_CD From Header Input File Default is null.
Buyer BUYER_ID From Header Input File Default is null.
Expiration Date EXPIR_DT From Header Input File YYYY-MM-DD. Default is null.
Expiration Days EXPIR_DAYS_NO From Header Input File Default is "0."
Quote Date QT_DT From Header Input File YYYY-MM-DD. Default to System Date
RFQ ORIG_RFQ_ID From Header Input File Default is space.
Requisition ORIG_RQ_ID From Header Input File Default is null.
Contact's First Name CNTACT_FIRST_NAME From Header Input File Default is space.
Contact's Last Name CNTACT_LAST_NAME From Header Input File Default is space.
Phone PHONE_ID From Header Input File Default is space.
Fax FAX_ID From Header Input File Default is space.
FOB FOB_FLD From Header Input File Default from Vendor.
Terms TERMS_DC From Header Input File Default from Vendor.
Ship Via SHIP_VIA_FLD From Header Input File Default from Vendor.
Employee PURCH_EMPL_ID From Header Input File Default is null.
Header Notes QT_HDR_NOTES From Header Input File Default is space.
Quote Status S_QT_STATUS_CD Default is "O."
User ENTR_USER_ID Set to Process USER_ID.
Date ENTR_DTT System Date/Time
TIME_STAMP System Date/Time
Euro to Functional Rate EUR_TO_FUNC_RT Set by Application. Default value MU_CRNCY_STATUS. EURO_TO_CRNCY_RT for matching functional currency code (GL_CONFIG.FUNC_S_CRNCY_CD). If unavailable, set to 1.
Rate Group RATE_GRP_ID From Header Input File Input file/Set by Application. Default Rate Group from Maintain Vendors (VEND.DFLT_ RT_GRP_ID). If not available, load from Multicurrency Settings (MU.DFLT_RT_GRP_ID).  If not available, load null.
Transaction Currency TRN_CRNCY_CD From Header Input File Input file/Set by Application. Functional Currency Code (GL_CONFIG.FUNC_S_CRNCY_CD).  For version 5.0, this is equal to Functional Currency.
Transaction Currency Date TRN_CRNCY_DT From Header Input File Input file/Set by Application. Current Date.
Transaction Currency Freeze Rate Flag TRN_FREEZE_RT_FL Set by Application. Value=N.
Transaction to Euro Rate TRN_TO_EUR_RT Set by Application. Default value [1/(MU_CRNCY_STATUS.EURO_TO_CRNCY_RT)] for matching transactional currency code (TRN_CRNCY_ CD).  If unavailable, set to 1.
Transaction to Euro Rate Flag TRN_TO_EUR_RT_FL Set by Application. Set to "Y" if the transaction currency is a Euro currency (row exists in MU_CRNCY_STATUS table with matching TRN_CRNCY_CD). Otherwise, set to "N."

Vendor Quote Line (QT_LN)

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Validations/Notes
Quote QUOTE_ID From Header Input File Required if you selected the Input File Values option.
Vendor From Line Input File Required if you selected the Auto-Assign option.
Item ITEM_ID From Line Input File Default is space.
Item Revision ITEM_RVSN_ID From Line Input File Default is space.
Misc Line Type MISC_LN_CHG_TYPE From Line Input File Default is null.
Unit of Measure QT_UM_CD From Line Input File Default to the Item's default unit of measure code, or "EA" (Each) for miscellaneous line charge types.
DFLT_NET_UNIT_AMT Calculated column. Equivalent to the amount in the corresponding column (in transaction currency) multiplied by the exchange rate.
DFLT_GR_UNIT_AMT Calculated column. Equivalent to the amount in the corresponding column (in transaction currency) multiplied by the exchange rate.
Minimum Quantity MIN_QTY From Line Input File
Ship ID SHIP_ID From Line Input File Default to PO_SETTINGS.DFLT_ SHIP_ID.
Manufacturer MANUF_ID From Line Input File Default from ALT_PART for ITEM_KEY and VEND_ID.  Required if Manufacturer Part entered.
Manufacturer Part MANUF_PART_ID From Line Input File Default from ALT_PART for ITEM_KEY and VEND_ID.  Required if Manufacturer entered.
Manufacturer Part Rev MANF_PART_RVSN_FLD From Line Input File Default from ALT_PART for ITEM_KEY and VEND_ID.
Vendor Part VEND_PART_ID From Line Input File Default from ALT_PART for ITEM_KEY and VEND_ID.
Vendor Part Rev VEND_PART_RVSN_


From Line Input File Default from ALT_PART for ITEM_KEY and VEND_ID.
Add Alternate Part From Line Input File Default is "N."
Commodity COMM_CD From Line Input File Default from ITEM. COMM_CD
Project PROJ_ID From Line Input File Default is null.
Line Notes QT_LN_NOTES From Line Input File Default space
DFLT_DISC_PCT_AMT Default is "0."
ITEM_KEY If Input File Item is not null/space, look up from ITEM using Item (if ITEM_SETTINGS. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N); otherwise, look up using Item/Rev. If Item is not loaded, load null.
QT_LN_CHG_AMT Calculated as (QT_LN. TRN_QT_LN_CHG_ AMT * Exchange Rate).
S_PO_LN_TYPE If Item is null/space, load "M," otherwise, load from ITEM.S_ ITEM_ TYPE.
TIME_STAMP System Date/Time
TRN_QT_LN_CHG_AMT Set by application. Sum of QT_LN_CHG.TRN_QT_LN_CHG_AMT.
Unit Cost TRN_DFLT_GR_UN_ AMT From Line Input File
Unit Cost TRN_DFLT_NT_UN_ AMT From Line Input File

Vendor Quote Line Break (QT_LN_BRK)

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Validations/Notes
NET_UNIT_CST_AMT (Break Qty 1) Calculated column. Equivalent to the amount in the corresponding column (in transaction currency) multiplied by the exchange rate.
GR_UNIT_COST_AMT (Break Qty 1) Calculated column. Equivalent to the amount in the corresponding column (in transaction currency) multiplied by the exchange rate.
Minimum Quantity MIN_QTY (Break Qty 1) From Line Input File Default is "1."
Break Quantity 1 Lead Time LT_DAYS_NO (Break Qty 1) From Line Input File Default is "0."
NET_UNIT_CST_AMT (Break Qty 2) Calculated column. Equivalent to the amount in the corresponding column (in transaction currency) multiplied by the exchange rate.
GR_UNIT_COST_AMT (Break Qty 2) Calculated column. Equivalent to the amount in the corresponding column (in transaction currency) multiplied by the exchange rate.
Break Quantity 2 MIN_QTY (Break Qty 2) From Line Input File Required if Break Qty 2 Cost is loaded.
Break Quantity 2 Lead Time LT_DAYS_NO (Break Qty 2) From Line Input File Default is "0."
NET_UNIT_CST_AMT (Break Qty 3) Calculated column. Equivalent to the amount in the corresponding column (in transaction currency) multiplied by the exchange rate.
GR_UNIT_COST_AMT (Break Qty 3) Calculated column. Equivalent to the amount in the corresponding column (in transaction currency) multiplied by the exchange rate.
Break Quantity 3 MIN_QTY (Break Qty 3) From Line Input File Required if Break Qty 3 Cost is loaded.
Break Quantity 3 Lead Time LT_DAYS_NO (Break Qty 3) From Line Input File Default is "0."
NET_UNIT_CST_AMT (Break Qty 4) Calculated column. Equivalent to the amount in the corresponding column (in transaction currency) multiplied by the exchange rate.
GR_UNIT_COST_AMT (Break Qty 4) Calculated column. Equivalent to the amount in the corresponding column (in transaction currency) multiplied by the exchange rate.
Break Quantity 4 MIN_QTY (Break Qty 4) From Line Input File Required if Break Qty 4 Cost is loaded.
Break Quantity 4 Lead Time LT_DAYS_NO (Break Qty 4) From Line Input File Default is "0."
NET_UNIT_CST_AMT (Break Qty 5) Calculated column. Equivalent to the amount in the corresponding column (in transaction currency) multiplied by the exchange rate.
GR_UNIT_COST_AMT (Break Qty 5) Calculated column. Equivalent to the amount in the corresponding column (in transaction currency) multiplied by the exchange rate.
Break Quantity 5 MIN_QTY (Break Qty 5) From Line Input File Required if Break Qty 5 Cost is loaded.
Break Quantity 5 Lead Time LT_DAYS_NO (Break Qty 5) From Line Input File Default is "0."
DISC_PCT_RT Default is "0."
TIME_STAMP System Date/Time
Break Quantity 1 Cost TRN_NT_UN_CST_AMT (Break Qty 1) From Line Input File
Break Quantity 1 Cost TRN_GR_UN_CST_AMT (Break Qty 1) From Line Input File
Break Quantity 2 Cost TRN_NT_UN_CST_AMT (Break Qty 2) From Line Input File
Break Quantity 2 Cost TRN_GR_UN_CST_AMT (Break Qty 2) From Line Input File
Break Quantity 3 Cost TRN_NT_UN_CST_AMT (Break Qty 3) From Line Input File
Break Quantity 3 Cost TRN_GR_UN_CST_AMT (Break Qty 3) From Line Input File
Break Quantity 4 Cost TRN_NT_UN_CST_AMT (Break Qty 4) From Line Input File
Break Quantity 4 Cost TRN_GR_UN_CST_AMT (Break Qty 4) From Line Input File
Break Quantity 5 Cost TRN_NT_UN_CST_AMT (Break Qty 5) From Line Input File
Break Quantity 5 Cost TRN_GR_UN_CST_AMT (Break Qty 5) From Line Input File

Vendor Quote Line Charge (QT_LN_CHG)

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Validations/Notes
Line Charge 1 Type LN_CHG_TYPE (Line Charge 1) From Line Input File Required if Line Charge 1 Cost is entered.
QT_LN_CHG_AMT (Line Charge 1) Calculated column. Equivalent to the amount in the corresponding column (in transaction currency) multiplied by the exchange rate.
Line Charge 2 Type LN_CHG_TYPE (Line Charge 2) From Line Input File Required if Line Charge 2 Cost is entered.
QT_LN_CHG_AMT (Line Charge 2) Calculated column. Equivalent to the amount in the corresponding column (in transaction currency) multiplied by the exchange rate.
Line Charge 3 Type LN_CHG_TYPE (Line Charge 3) From Line Input File Required if Line Charge 3 Cost is entered.
QT_LN_CHG_AMT (Line Charge 3) Calculated column. Equivalent to the amount in the corresponding column (in transaction currency) multiplied by the exchange rate.
SUB_KEY Autonumber from 1 for each QT_LN.
TIME_STAMP System Date/Time
Line Charge 1 Cost TRN_QT_LN_CHG_AMT (Line Charge 1) From Line Input File
Line Charge 2 Cost TRN_QT_LN_CHG_AMT (Line Charge 2) From Line Input File
Line Charge 3 Cost TRN_QT_LN_CHG_AMT (Line Charge 3) From Line Input File