File Data Layout

When you export eProcurement vendors, two output files are created that contain the vendor information.

The data layouts of these files are the following.

Vendor File Data Layout

Below is the sequence of the fields to be exported and their source Costpoint column name for the Vendor File ("VEND_MMDDYYHHMMT.TXT").

Costpoint Table Costpoint Column Costpoint Column Name Data Type Data Size
EPROCURE_EXP_LOG EP_CUST_ID eProcurement Customer ID Integer 9
VEND VEND_ID Vendor ID Alphanumeric 12
VEND VEND_LONG_NAME Vendor Long Name Alphanumeric 40
VEND S_VEND_PO_CNTL_CD Vendor Purchase Order Control Code Alphanumeric 1
VEND S_CL_SM_BUS_CD Small Business Code Alphanumeric 1
VEND CL_DISADV_FL Disadvantaged Alphanumeric 1
VEND CL_HIST_BL_CLG_FL Historical Black College Alphanumeric 1
VEND CL_LAB_SRPL_FL Labor Surplus Alphanumeric 1
VEND CL_WOM_OWN_FL Women-Owned Alphanumeric 1
VEND CL_VET_FL Veteran-Owned Alphanumeric 1
VEND CL_SD_VET_FL Service-Disabled Veteran- Owned Alphanumeric 1
VEND TERMS_DC Vendor Terms Alphanumeric 15
VEND FOB_FLD Free on Board Alphanumeric 15
VEND SHIP_VIA_FLD Ship Via Alphanumeric 15

Vendor Address/Contact File Data Layout

Below is the sequence of the fields to be exported and their source Costpoint column name for the Vendor Address/Contact File ("VADD_MMDDYYHHMMT.TXT").

Costpoint Table Costpoint Column Name Costpoint Column Data Type Data Size
EPROCURE_EXP_LOG EP_CUST_ID eProcurement Customer ID Integer 9
VEND_ADDR VEND_ID Vendor ID Alphanumeric 12
VEND_ADDR ADDR_DC Vendor Address Code Alphanumeric 10
VEND_ADDR LN_1_ADDR Address Line 1 Alphanumeric 40
VEND_ADDR LN_2_ADDR Address Line 2 Alphanumeric 40
VEND_ADDR LN_3_ADDR Address Line 3 Alphanumeric 25
VEND_ADDR CITY_NAME City Name Alphanumeric 15
VEND_ADDR MAIL_STATE_DC Mail State Alphanumeric 8
VEND_ADDR COUNTRY_CD Country Code Alphanumeric 10
VEND_ADDR POSTAL_CD Postal Code Alphanumeric 20
VEND_ADDR_CNTACT CNTACT_FIRST_NAME Contact First Name Alphanumeric 25
VEND_ADDR_CNTACT CNTACT_LAST_NAME Contact Last Name Alphanumeric 25
VEND_ADDR_CNTACT PHONE_ID Phone Number Alphanumeric 25
VEND_ADDR_CNTACT FAX_ID Fax Number Alphanumeric 25
VEND_ADDR_CNTACT OTH_PHONE_ID Other Phone Number Alphanumeric 25