Compute Billing Value of Cost Incurred

Use this screen to compute the billing value of cost incurred for selected projects. Some industries refer to the billing value calculation as "Goal" or "Effort."

During this process, the following steps occur for the selected projects.

Step Description
1 The application applies goal multipliers and multiplier overrides to labor and non-labor costs. The goal multipliers that this application uses are from the Goal Multiplier group box on the Manage Revenue Information screen. The multiplier overrides are from the Manage Multiplier Overrides screen.
2 The application retrieves labor data from the LAB_HS and PY_GOAL tables.
3 The process applies labor multipliers to rate types of A (Actual), S (Standard), and C (Ceiling), rather than B (Billing).
4 The process retrieves units and non-labor data from the PSR_PY_SUM, PROJ_SUM, and PY_GOAL tables.
5 Costpoint applies non-labor multipliers to non-labor costs.
6 No multipliers are applied to units.
7 Since billable value is computed only on allowable costs, any unallowable labor or unallowable non-labor is NOT included in the computation, but the overall multiplier rate stored in the header includes both allowable and unallowable costs.
8 No burdens or fees are applied during the computation.
9 The application calculates billable value amounts at the transaction level of the project and stores them in the report table at the employee/vendor/vendor employee level for labor, and at the account level for non-labor and units.
10 Since billable value computations are on a YTD calculation, Costpoint stores all prior year billable value amounts on the Manage Prior Year Billable Value screen to arrive at the ITD calculations.
Warning: Run this process for each fiscal period for this project. Even if there are no costs incurred, the YTD goal amount does not compute correctly unless you complete all steps for Billing Value (Goal) calculation including Load Labor Rates, Compute Burden Costs, and Compute Revenue.

Run this screen as frequently as needed and at any time during the fiscal period; however, do not run this screen when other users are updating the LAB_HS, PROJ_SUM, PROJ_REV_SETUP, OVRIDE_MLT_ON_DIR, or PY_GOAL tables.