
You must add accounts to the general ledger, set up overall leave settings and leave types for the leave processing.

Step 1: Add Accounts to the General Ledger Chart of Accounts

Before setting up any leave parameters, set up the expense and accrual accounts for your leave types in the General Ledger Chart of Accounts (G/L COA) on the Manage Accounts screen.

Step 2: Set up Leave Settings

First set up the Configure Leave Settings screen. The Configure Leave Settings screen controls the handling of leave-related functions, such as the default leave cycle, months of service calculation, and leave statement line numbers.

If you want to set up multiple employees by leave cycle and your company has multiple leave cycles, you can set up a default leave cycle and then enter the employees to be assigned the leave cycle. This prevents you from inadvertently assigning the incorrect leave cycle to an employee. After entering all employees and leave cycles, be sure to clear the field in the Default Leave Cycle group box on this screen.

Step 3: Set up Leave Types

Before entering employee leave information, define and set up the controls for handling different types of leave on the Configure Leave Types screen. The leave type is a major classification, such as vacation, for tracking leave. The leave type controls the method for leave ceilings and the method for tracking leave (by hours or dollars). The leave type also specifies the G/L COA accrual and expense accounts and describes the leave type code.

Any of the leave types accrue in Costpoint in one of two ways: By Hours or By Amount. Specify this option on the Configure Leave Types screen. The essential difference between these two methods lies in the value of the accrued leave. When you track by hours, the value of accrued leave increases when a salary increase occurs. When you track by amount, the value of accrued leave does not increase when a raise occurs. Rather, the employee's hours accrued decrease when a raise occurs. Although we do not specifically recommend this method, tracking by amount can resolve some of the issues related to leave limits that are raised by government auditors. For instance, one government auditor complaint relating to large accrued leave balances is that the leave accrues at a particular rate and, if it is not taken within a reasonable amount of time, is paid to the employee at a higher rate.