
Use this information to know how Costpoint runs Import Vendor Quotes with multicurrency enabled.

Multicurrency features, which, in addition to requiring additional calculations, add fields to the input files. The input fields are in the same format as the Quote Header and Quote Line Record.

With the multicurrency feature, all amount fields in the input file are in the transactional currency (which may or may not be the same as the functional currency). Vendor quote information is entered primarily in the transactional currency (i.e., the quote's currency, per the vendor), and Costpoint calculates the corresponding amounts for the related functional currency fields in accordance with exchange rate information in other tables. Data is stored in both currencies in Costpoint.

If exchange rate information does not exist, Costpoint will assume that the transactional and functional currencies are the same (1:1). All currency-related columns will still be populated with default values, the system exchange rate will be "1," and amount columns will therefore have the same values for transactional and functional currencies.

Costpoint Multicurrency Tables

To select transactional currencies, calculate exchange rates, and validate customs information, the multicurrency functionality relies on data in the following tables (which must exist in Costpoint before you process any transactions).

Table Name Table Description Definition
MU_SETTINGS Multicurrency Settings Sets default multicurrency information. Validate by the user's company ID.
MU_CRNCY_STATUS Currency Status Stores status on currency and/or Euro information. Used to validate exchange rates.
RT_GRP Rate Group Stores rate group information. Used for exchange rate information.
RT_GRP_CRNCY Rate Group Currency Contains a list of From/To currencies for valid rate groups. Used for exchange rate information.
RT_SRCE Rate Source Stores exchange rate source information.
RT_BY_DT Rate by Date Stores exchange rates for valid From/To currency sets by start/end dates.
RT_BY_PD Rate by Period Stores exchange rates for valid From/To currency sets by FY/PD.
CURRENCY Currencies Stores information for currencies used in the database.

Vendor Quote Multicurrency Tables

The following tables/input columns support multicurrency specifically for vendor quotes.

Table Name Table Description
QT_HDR Quote Header
EUR_TO_FUNC_RT Euro to Functional Rate
RATE_GRP_ID Rate Group
TRN_CRNCY_CD Transaction Currency Code
TRN_FREEZE_RT_FL Transaction Freeze Rate Flag
TRN_TO_EUR_RT Transaction to Functional Currency Rate
TRN_TO_EUR_RT_FL Transaction to Functional Currency Rate Flag
QT_LN Quote Line
TRN_DFLT_GR_UN_AMT Default Gross Unit Amount - Transaction
TRN_DFLT_NT_UN_AMT Default Net Unit Amount - Transaction
TRN_QT_LN_CHG_AMT Quote Line Charge Amount - Transaction
QT_LN_BRK Quote Line Break
TRN_GR_UN_CST_AMT Gross Unit Cost Amount - Transaction
TRN_NT_UN_CST_AMT Net Unit Cost Amount – Transaction
QT_LN_CHG Quote Line Charge
TRN_QT_LN_CHG_AMT Quote Line Charge Amount - Transaction