Processing Details

When you import sales orders, some of the steps that the application follows include copying rows from the input file to the worktables, validating the information, and inserting errors into the error table.

  • The application copies rows from the input file into the worktables.
  • Each sales order is validated in its entirety.
  • The application inserts any errors found into the error table.
  • Defaults are applied.
  • Sales orders with no errors are inserted or updated in the Costpoint tables.
  • If a sales order has errors, all its rows in the input file are written to the error file (*.ERR).
  • The application renames the input file (*.OLD).
  • You can view or print the Error Report from the screen.
  • Upon initialization, the application deletes data from the work files.
  • Header modification records can exist in the input file without associated line records, provided that a sales order header and line record already exist for that sales order in the data tables.
  • Line modification records cannot exist in the input file without the associated header record.
  • Note modification records cannot exist in the input file without the associated line record and header record.
Note: The sales order will not be processed if there is an insert record and an update record for the same Header, Line, Line Note, Line Text, or Text record in the input file.

Changes to Sales Orders

When you enter sales orders through this interface, the system marks them as loaded implementing the Modified By field in all affected tables using the Input Sales Order program name (AOPSOPP).

Note: If you are updating existing sales orders, you cannot renumber sales order lines. If you delete a line in the host system, a record is established with zero quantity, zero amount, and a status of V (Void).