Groups Subtask

Use this subtask to view all rows of information for groups impacted by the selected ECNs.


Field Description

This field displays the ID of the selected ECN.


This field displays the description of the selected ECN.


This field displays the status of the selected ECN.

Table Window

Field Description
Impacted Group

This field displays the ID of the group impacted by the selected ECN.


This field displays the description of the group impacted by the ECN.

Notify on Approval

This field displays either Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not the impacted group is to be notified upon approval of the ECN. This field is disabled if you selected either N - No Workflow Notification or C - Use Custom Workflow as the Workflow Method on the Configure Engineering Change Notice Settings screen.

Notify on Creation

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not the impacted group is to be notified upon creation of the ECN. This field is disabled if you selected either N - No Workflow Notification or C - Use Custom Workflow as the Workflow Method on the Configure Engineering Change Notice Settings screen.

Notify on Customer Approval

This field displays either Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not the impacted group is to be notified upon customer approval of the ECN. This field is disabled if you selected either N - No Workflow Notification or C - Use Custom Workflow as the Workflow Method on the Configure Engineering Change Notice Settings screen.

Notify on Implementation

This field displays either Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not the impacted group is to be notified upon implementation of the ECN. This field is disabled if you selected either N - No Workflow Notification or C - Use Custom Workflow as the Workflow Method on the Configure Engineering Change Notice Settings screen.

Notify on Rejection

This field displays either Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not the impacted group is to be notified upon rejection of the ECN. This field is disabled if you selected either N - No Workflow Notification or C - Use Custom Workflow as the Workflow Method on the Configure Engineering Change Notice Settings screen.


Click this button to accept your changes and return to the screen.