Report Error Messages

There are many error messages that may occur during the validation phase of this process. These messages are listed on the Error Report.

The error report lists the following information:

  • Error File Line: The line number (physical position, no actual line number is assigned) associated with the ASCII error file that may be produced. There may be multiple errors associated with the original input line. However, the line is written to the error file once. You can correct this error file, rename it, and process it separately.
  • Original Line: The line number (physical position, no actual line number is in the input file) associated with the original ASCII file being processed. There can be multiple errors associated with one original input line.
  • Item: The Item ID (ITEM_ID) from the input file associated with the error.
  • Rev: The Item Revision ID (ITEM_RVSN_ID) from the input file associated with the error.
  • Line Type: The Line Type associated with the error (for example, the ITM line type that populates the ITEM table). Line Type is the first field that appears on each input file line.
  • Value In Error: The value from the input file that is in error (the displayed value is limited to 15 characters — it can be truncated).
  • Error Description: Briefly describes why the value (or lack thereof) is in error. Refer to the error message descriptions in this section for additional information and possible remedies.

The less complicated of these errors have been generalized and are documented in General Report Error Messages. The more complicated errors are separated by Line Type and put into separate tables.