Error Report

This section describes the errors you may encounter when using the Import Purchase Requisitions screen.

Report Layout/Data Sources - Input File Error report

Report Header

Label Source
Input File From screen selection
Error File Derived – see Error Handling section.
Start Date/Time System assigned upon process starting.
End Date/Time System assigned upon process ending.

Report Detail

Label Source
Error Line System assigned.
Rec Type From input file table that has the error. For example, RH for Requisition Record Header.
Requisition From Requisition Record Header input file (Requisition).
Req Line From Requisition Line input file (Requisition Line). In this case, also print associated Requisition.
Acct Line From Requisition Line Account input file (Account Line). In this case, also print associated Requisition and Requisition Line.
Chg Line From Requisition Line Charge input file (Charge Line). In this case, also print associated Requisition and Requisition Line.
Seq Num From Requisition Header Text input file (Sequence Number). In this case, also print associated Requisition.

Or, From Requisition Line Text input file (Sequence Number). In this case, also print associated Requisition and Requisition Line.

Error Message Print appropriate error or warning validation message.

Report Footer/Totals

Label Source
Total Records Read System calculated.
Total Bad Records System calculated.
Total Records Processed System calculated.

Report Sort Order

The following sort order applies to input file Error reports:

  • Primary sort is by Requisition.
  • Secondary sort by Requisition Line.
  • Tertiary sort by Account Line or Line Charges or Line Text Code. Within this sort level, list Account Line errors followed by Charge Line errors, then Text Code errors.