Project Options Tab

Use the Project Options tab to select method to account for project expenses, update units in inventory projects, and determine the control parameter defaults for allowing issues and adjustments between and among projects.

Project Cost Roll-Up within Same Top-Level Project

Select the default method to account for project expenses when issues are posted. Projects with asset accounts roll up to all levels.

Field Description
Roll-Up All Parts

Select this option to have costs roll up to the highest project level. All costs are rolled up during issues.

Roll-Up Buy Parts Only

Select this option to have purchased part costs roll up one project level only. This option has the costs of purchased materials and components rolled up during issues.

No Roll-Up

Select this option to have raw material costs remain within the project level in which they were originally expensed.

Update Units Usage History

Use the selections in this group box to update units that are used in the inventory of projects.

Field Description
No Update

Select  this option to indicate that units usage history is not updated.

Update All

Select this option to update units usage history for all units issued to projects.

Update for Units Billing Projects

Select this option to have units updated for all projects that bill by unit.

Inter-Project Issue/Adjustment Option Defaults

Use this group box to determine the control parameter defaults for allowing issues and adjustments between and among projects.

Field Description
No Issues/Adjustments Outside Project

Select this option to prevent issues and adjustments outside of the from project.

Allow Issues/Adjustments Within Same Netting Group

Select this option to allow issues and adjustments within the same netting group.

Allow Issues/Adj Within Same Top-Level Project Only

Select this option to allow issues and adjustments within the same top-level project as the from project.

Allow Inter-Project Issues/Adjustments

Select this option to allow issues and adjustments from one project to another.