
Use Costpoint Inventory to issue, reserve, transfer, track, and control parts in inventory.

Costpoint Inventory is an online, real-time inventory tracking and control system with which you can manage both project-specific and company-owned inventory as well as government-furnished equipment and materials.

You can establish and maintain warehouses and locations to track your parts as well as issue, adjust, transfer, and reserve inventory. Various inquiries and reports show the status and history of inventory. You can adjust your records to reflect information gleaned from physical counts, and there is a posting program for updating the general ledger with appropriate dollar values.

Inventory is linked to company IDs in multiple ways. First, warehouse IDs are automatically linked to an owning company while a warehouse can belong to only one company. Second, projects are linked to a company. Third, parts can optionally be linked to a company, as a number of applications in Costpoint Inventory rely on the setting of the Separate Items by Company check box in the Product Definition Corporate Settings subtask on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen.

Inventory transactions verify the company IDs for warehouses, inventory projects, and parts. If the IDs are all in accord, the company ID is added to new inventory transactions.

Most reports and inquiries in Costpoint Inventory filter inventory information based on your company ID. However, the View Part Inventory allows you to view part status information across companies.