CLIN Warranty Cost Schedule (CWS) Error Messages

These are the more complicated errors associated with the CWS Line Type.

Error Message Additional Info/Remedy
CWS rejected, no matching Item. There is a CWS record in the input file without a corresponding ITM record (same Item ID/Item Revision ID).
CWS rejected. Bad ITM. Unless there are additional error messages for this record, it probably contains no errors. It was rejected because it is dependent on an ITM record that was rejected. Correct the errors associated with the ITM record.
CWS rejected. Bad PCP record. Unless there are additional error messages for this record, it probably contains no errors. It was rejected because it is dependent on a Project CLIN Product (PCP) record that was rejected. Correct the errors associated with the PCP record.
No matching PCP record. There is a CWS record in the input file without a corresponding Project CLIN Product (PCP) record (with the same Item ID/Item Revision ID/Project ID/CLIN ID).
No PCP with S_WARR_CST_CALC_CD=P. The corresponding PCP record (with the same Item ID/Item Revision ID /Project ID/CLIN ID) does not have P for the Warranty Cost Calculation Code. Remove the CWS record or change the corresponding PCP line Warranty Cost Calculation Code to P.
Start Dt must be day after prev End Dt. The Start Date value conflicts with an existing CLIN Warranty Cost Schedule row or another pending CWS line for the Item ID/Item Revision ID/Project ID/ CLIN ID/Project ID/Start Date/End Date. If you want to have additional lines for the same Item ID/Item Revision ID/Project ID/CLIN ID/Project ID/Start Date/End Date, the Start Date must be one day later than the existing/pending End Date. There must be no overlapping and no gaps in the date values. For example, if you want one entry that covers Start Date 2003-01-01 through End Date 2003-06-30, the next entry must have a Start Date of 2003-07-01 (one day later than 2003-06-30).