QC Inspections Subtask

Use this subtask to view recorded QC inspection results for MO routings.

If the QC Step field is Y (Yes) for an operation line in the Routings subtask on Manage Manufacturing Orders, and QC approval data has been entered on the Manage MO Quality Control Inspection Results screen (under the Shop Floor Control menu), this table window displays that information. When operation and QC step information is loaded, you can view the quantities inspected, accepted, rejected, placed into MRB, who completed it, and when the transaction took place.


Field Description
Manufacturing Order

This column displays the manufacturing order ID of the line selected on the main screen.

MO Type

This column displays the MO type as Standard, Customer Repair, or Rework.

MO Status

This column displays the MO Status as Planned, Firm Planned, Released, In-Shop, Completed, or Closed.

Build Part

This field displays the ID of the part that is built in the MO selected on the main screen.


This field displays the revision level for the build part.

Operation Seq No

This field displays the operation sequence number of the routing step.

Alternate Operation

This field displays the number of the alternate operation. If this routing step is part of an alternate operation, this number will be greater than zero.

Operation Step

This field displays the step number of the routing operation.


This field displays the code of the labor or subcontractor operation being performed on this routing step. A description of the operation is displayed in the unlabeled field below.

Table Window

Field Description
Inspection Report

This field displays the ID of this inspection report.

Accepted Quantity

This field displays the quantity of the part accepted by this inspection.

Rejected Quantity

This field displays the quantity of the part rejected by this inspection.


This field displays the Acceptance Quality Level (AQL) for the sample inspection size on this line.

Inspection Date

This field displays the default inspection date.

MRB Quantity

This field displays the quantity of the part sent to MRB for further review.

Rejection Reason

This field displays the rejection reason code associated with this inspection line. A rejection reason appears for rejected quantities greater than 0.

Entry Date/Time

This field displays the date and time when the inspection was recorded.


This field displays the default inspector employee ID.

Inspected Quantity

This field displays the quantity (or sample size) inspected for this operation.

Rejection Disposition

This field displays S (Scrap), R (Rework), U (Use-as-is), or H (Hold) to specify disposition of rejections. A rejection disposition appears for rejected quantities greater than 0.

Entry User

This field displays the user ID of the person who recorded the inspection.

Inspection Notes

This field displays any notes associated with this inspection.