Routings Subtask

Use the Routings subtask to view information on the operations in the routings associated with the Manufacturing Order (MO) selected in the main screen.

The routing rows are sorted by operation number/alternate number/step number order.

Use this subtask whenever you want to view routing information for the manufacturing order.


Field Description
Manufacturing Order

This column displays the manufacturing order ID of the line selected on the main screen.

MO Type

This field displays the MO type as Standard, Customer Repair, or Rework.

MO Status

This field displays the MO Status as Planned, Firm Planned, Released, In-Shop, Completed, or Closed.

Build Part

This field displays the ID of the part that is built in the MO selected on the main screen.


This field displays the revision level for the build part.

Table Window

Field Description
Routing No

This field displays the routing number.

Operation Seq No

This field displays the operation sequence number of the routing step.

Alternate Operation

This field displays the number of the alternate operation. If this routing step is part of an alternate operation, this number is greater than zero.

Operation Step

This field displays the step number of the routing operation.

Work Center

This field displays the name of the work center for the operation.


This field displays the code of the labor or subcontractor operation being performed on this routing step.


This field displays the name of the operation.


This field displays L (Labor) if the operation is to be performed in-house, or S (Subcontractor) if it is to be performed by an outside vendor.

Run Type

This field displays the value that determines how run hours are calculated: V (Variable) or F (Fixed).

Operation Type

This field displays the operation type code.

Operation Overlap Type

This field displays the code for the type of overlap for starting this operation before the previous operation is finished. The codes are H (Hours), N (None), S (Setup), and U (Units).

Op Overlap Quantity

This field displays the amount in hours or units in which the start of this operation can overlap the previous operation. The overlap quantity originally displays from Costpoint Routings; however, information defaults from the Op Overlap Quantity field in the Routings subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen.

Process Type

This field displays the process type for the operation.

SFC Operation

This field displays Y (Yes) if the operation requires users to record completion on the Manage MO Operation Completions screen under the Shop Floor Control menu. N (No) displays if it does not.

QC Operation

This field displays Y (Yes) if the operation requires quality control approval on the Manage MO Quality Control Inspection Results screen under the Shop Floor Control menu. N (No) is displayed if it is not.

Planned Start Date

This field displays the date on which the routing step should be started.

Start Date

This field displays the date on which the routing step was started.

Need Date

This field displays the date on which the routing step needs to be completed.

Due Date

This field displays the date on which the routing step is planned for completion.

Completion Date

This field displays the date on which the routing step was completed.

Line Notes

This field displays any notes (entered in the Routings subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen) regarding the routing step.

User Def 1

This field header displays the user-defined field label set up on the Configure Routing Settings screen in Costpoint Routings. The value in this field is entered in the main table window for the operation line on the Manage Routings screen.

User Def 2

This field header displays the user-defined field label set up on the Configure Routing Settings screen in Costpoint Routings. The value in this field is entered in the main table window for the operation line on the Manage Routings screen.

User Def 3

This field header displays the user-defined field label set up on the Configure Routing Settings screen in Costpoint Routings. The value in this field is entered in the main table window for the operation line on the Manage Routings screen.

Key Resource

This field displays the ID of the key resource consumed by the labor operation.


This field displays the name of the supervisor responsible for this operation.


This field displays the ID of the organization that performs this operation.

Planning Vendor Leadtime (Days)

This field displays the standard subcontractor lead time, in days, for this operation.

Planning Internal Leadtime (Days)

This field displays the standard internal processing lead time, in days, for this operation.

Subtask Description
Text Codes Click this link to view text codes associated with the selected routing line.
QC Inspection Click this link to view recorded QC inspection results for MO routings. When Operation and QC step information is defaulted, you can view the quantities inspected, accepted, rejected, placed into MRB, and who completed it, and when the transaction took place.
MO Completions Click this link to open the MO Operation Completions subtask. This subtask displays MO operation completion lines. When the MO operation completion information is defaulted, you can view the quantity completed by operation, who completed it, and when the transaction took place.
Labor Operation Click this link to view details of the labor operation in the selected routing line. This subtask is not available if a subcontractor operation routing line is selected.
Subcontractor Operations Click this link to view details of the subcontractor operations in the selected routing line. This subtask is not available if a labor operation routing line is selected.
Routing Notes Click this link to view notes associated with the routing.
Routing Documents Click this link to view the documents linked to the selected routing line.
Work Center Click this link to view details of the work center designated on the selected routing line. This subtask will not be available if a subcontractor operation routing line is selected.