Work Center Subtask

Use the Work Center subtask to view details for the work center in the selected routing line.

Information for this subtask is derived from the Manage Work Centers screen in Costpoint Routings and can also be maintained on the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen.

Use this subtask whenever you want to view labor work center details such as process type, key resources, hourly labor rates, effective dates, efficiency, utilization, etc.


Field Description
Manufacturing Order

This column displays the manufacturing order ID of the line selected on the main screen.

MO Type

This column displays the MO type as Standard, Customer Repair, or Rework.

MO Status

This column displays the MO Status as Planned, Firm Planned, Released, In-Shop, Completed, or Closed.

Build Part

This field displays the ID of the part that is built in the MO selected on the main screen.


This field displays the revision level for the build part.

Operation Seq No

This field displays the operation sequence number of the routing step.

Alternate Operation

This field displays the number of the alternate operation. If this routing step is part of an alternate operation, this number will be greater than zero.

Operation Step

This field displays the step number of the routing operation.


This field displays the code of the labor or subcontractor operation being performed on this routing step. A description of the operation is displayed in the unlabeled field below.

Table Window

This table displays labor rates and capacity information related to the work center. Information is derived from the Manage Work Centers screen in Costpoint Routings.

Field Description
Effective Date

This field displays the date on which the rate and capacity information becomes effective.

Weekly Gross Hours

This field displays the typical hours per week that the work center is used for production.


This field displays a percentage figure that indicates how well standard hours are met during the operation of this work center.


This field displays a percentage figure that indicates how often the work center is operating during shifts.

Weekly Net Hours

This field displays the typical hours per week that are available for production, net of efficiency and utilization.

Setup Labor Hourly Rate

This field displays the default hourly labor rate for doing setups in this work center. This field does not display if cost information is suppressed for your user ID on the Manage Users screen in Costpoint System Administration (select the Suppress Cost check box in the table window).

Run Labor Hourly Rate

This field displays the default hourly labor rate for manufacturing in this work center. This field does not display if cost information is suppressed for your user ID on the Manage Users screen in Costpoint System Administration (select the Suppress Cost check box in the table window).

Labor Burden Rate

This field displays the target burden rate to be applied to labor dollars in this work center. This field does not display if cost information is suppressed for your user ID on the Manage Users screen in Costpoint System Administration (select the Suppress Cost check box in the table window).

Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat

These fields display the typical hours that the work center is used for production on a given day.

Weekly Shifts

This field displays the total number of shifts per week.