BI Audit Reports (for Cloud users only)

This folder stores standard BI Audit reports for the BI administrator to see BI usage and login data.

Use the BI audit reports to track the following types of information:

BI content execution information
  • Type of content (Report, Report View, Dashboard, Unsaved Report, Active Report)
  • Content name
  • Source (package or data module name)
  • Date/Time
  • User name
  • Execution time
User login and logoff information
  • User name
  • Login time
  • Logoff time
  • Session duration
  • Logoff operation (Regular Logoff or Termination)

BI audit data is retained for six months.

Four out-of-the-box reports help analyze the audit data:
  • BI Content by User Report
  • User Login/Logoff Report
  • Summary BI Report Usage
  • BI Content Trended Usage Report
The contents of this folder are available to the following user groups:
  • CER CP Administration