Assignment Actions

Use the Assignment Actions dialog box to reschedule an assignment date or reassign budgeted hours from one resource to another.

This dialog box also displays the Resource Type, Cost Type, Budget Type, Resource ID, Project ID, Version No, and if the budget is to be committed when the resource is assigned.

The Commit checkbox displays by default as a set up in configuration, but is editable. If the Commit check box is selected then the budgets will also be committed, otherwise a Working version is created.

Use fields on the Reschedule tab and the Reassign tab to change resource assignments.

Reschedule Tab

Use this tab to reschedule the start date of the work assignment for the resource.  

Field Description
Assignment Start Date This field displays the date when the assignment begins.
Assignment End Date This field displays the date when the assignment ends.
Reschedule Start Date Enter the new start date in this field. This is the only editable field in the Reschedule tab.
Reschedule End Date The Reschedule End Date is calculated using the same period of time in the original assignment dates. If you move the reschedule start date a year forward, the reschedule end date will also move a year forward.
Note: If the rescheduled dates are outside the Period of Performance the following warning message displays, "Rescheduled hours outside of the period of performance are not included in the reassignment."
Reschedule Click Reschedule to change the assignment dates.

Reassign Tab

Use this tab to reassign budgeted hours from one resource to another resource for an entire period or for a specific date range.

Field Description
Reassign Period You can select an Entire Assignment Period or set the Date Range. 
Reassign Start Date/Reassign End Date If you select the entire assignment period, the reassign start and end dates are not editable but if you select Date Range, the date fields will be editable for you to enter the dates of the reassignment within the assignment dates.
Reassign by % Select this option to reassign work hours by percentage. The percentage to be reassigned per period is spread over the assignment period.
Reassign by Hours Select this option to reassign specific number of hours from one resource to another.
Maximum Hours This field displays the number of maximum hours that you can reassign to another resource.
Resource Type Use the drop-down menu to select the resource type. You can reassign hours to another Employee, Generic Staff or Key Entry.
Resource ID Use the lookup to select the Resource ID.
Reassign Click Reassign to take the hours from the original resource and add to the new resource.
Advance Search Use this subtask to display the Advance Search group box where you can search for and add multiple resources using additional search criteria available within Costpoint Planning. When a resource is found, the Add Resource button in Advanced Search group box will update the popup with the Resource Type, Resource ID and Name.  

Currently the Resource Type must be the same as the original Resource Type. For example, Employee to Employee, Vendor Employee to Vendor Employee.

Multiple resource selections from the Advanced Search cannot be used when reassigning.

Current Assignments   Click this subtask to view the new resource’s existing assignments.


The following information display on the grid:

Column Headings Description
Type This column displays the budget type.
ID This column displays the budget ID.
Work Type If the budget is a New Business Budget, this column displays the work type.
Project Name This column displays the name of the project budget.
Source This column displays the source if Budget, New Business or EAC.
Version This column displays the version of the budget.
Status This column displays the status of the budget if working or complete.