Rate Methods

Three rate methods are available for initializing project PLCs and labor rates.

The method selected determines how PLCs are validated during transaction entry. For example, if you select the project-specific PLCs, only those PLCs that have been assigned to the project are valid for the project during transaction entry.

The method selected for a particular project depends on how specific the labor description and billing rates need to be for that project. In some cases, a company-wide billing rate and PLC description works, and in others a more project-specific rate is necessary. The PLC rate method is selected on a project-by-project basis. There is no need to have one method for all projects.

The rate methods are as follows:

  • Company-wide labor categories and billing rates: Use company-wide PLCs if billing rates and labor descriptions do not vary from project to project. You can use company-wide billing rates for most projects and use other rate methods for projects that require more specific descriptions and billing rates. Use the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen to enter the PLC and related description. You must first enter all PLCs in this screen regardless of the rate method that you select. Only PLCs entered in this screen are valid for the project-specific screens that follow. If you select company-wide billing rates, use the Billing Rates subtask of the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen to enter billing rates. Company-wide PLCs are the easiest to initialize and maintain. If you are using a PLC discount method, you can set up the discount percent in this screen.
  • Project-specific PLCs: Use project-specific PLCs if there are specific PLCs that are required for the project. Use the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen to create a set of PLCs that are valid for the project.  After you select this method, only those PLCs that are assigned to the project are valid. The transaction entry screens use the PLCs on the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen to validate the project/PLC combination entered. You must first enter PLCs on the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen if you plan to use a project work force for your project. Use the Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects screen to enter the billing rates associated with the project-specific PLCs. You may have specific labor category titles required for your project. You can customize the PLC descriptions in this screen. This rate method requires more maintenance than the company-wide PLCs method. If the Source Project on the Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen is using a discount method of PLC Discounts, you can enter the discount percent in this screen.
  • Project Work Force: Use this method if you have specific PLCs and employees, vendors, or vendor employees that are required on a project or you want to have a PLC default by employee on the timesheet for this project. This method requires the most maintenance of all the rate methods. Initialize this method in the following screens
  • Manage Employee Work Force (and the Assign PLC to Employee Work Force subtask), Manage Vendor Work Force (and the Assign PLC to Vendor Work Force subtask), and the Manage Vendor Employee Workforce (and the Assign PLC to Vendor Employee Work Force subtask) screens: Use the Manage Employee Work Force, Manage Vendor Work Force, and Manage Vendor Employee Workforce screens to select the employees, vendors, and vendor employees that are valid for this project. If you select the Project Workforce Required checkbox on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow, only the employees/vendors/vendor employees in these screens are valid for the project. If you do not select the Project Workforce Required checkbox, there is no validation of employees, vendors, or vendor employees.

    However, if you want to use the work force for PLC defaulting, you must identify the employees, vendors, and vendor employees for this project. Use the Assign PLC to Employee Work Force subtask of the Manage Employee Work Force screen, Assign PLC to Vendor Work Force subtask of the Manage Vendor Work Force screen, or the Assign PLC to Vendor Employee Work Force subtask of the Manage Vendor Employee Work Force screen to assign PLCs to the employees, vendors, or vendor employees in the work force. You can assign multiple PLCs to an employee, vendor, or a vendor employee, but only one PLC can be the default for that employee, vendor, or vendor employee. Labor rates are assigned for the work force on the Link PLC Rates to Employee/Vendor screen. This method prevents charging of employees and PLCs that are not valid for the project. If the Source Project on the Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen is using a discount method of PLC Discounts, you can enter the discount percent in this screen.