Alternate Part (APT) Error Messages

These are the more complicated errors associated with the APT Line Type.

Error Message Additional Info/Remedy
Already a preferred alt part for Item. 1. An existing Alternate Part for this Part ID/Part Revision ID has a Preference Flag equal to Y (Yes). Only one Alternate Part per Part ID / Part Revision ID can be preferred per company. Change existing value from Y to N or change value in input file from Y to N.

2. An existing ALT_PART for this PART_ID/PART_RVSN_ID has a PART_PREF_TYPE=Y. Only one (1) alternate part per item can be preferred if item is shared across all companies. (ITEMS_BY_COMP_FL = 'N' and PART_PREF_TYPE = ‘Y’ and ALT_PART.VEND_ID = 'NULL').

3. An existing ALT_PART for this PART_ID/PART_RVSN_ID has a PART_PREF_TYPE = ‘Y’. Only one (1) alternate part per item can be preferred if item is shared across all companies. (ITEMS_BY_COMP_FL = 'N' and PART_PREF_TYPE = ‘Y’ and ALT_PART.VEND_ID != 'NULL').

APT rejected, duplicate key. Each APT record in the input file must have a unique key (Part ID/Part Revision ID/Sequence Number). The input file contains multiple APT records with the same key values indicated on the report. Remove all duplicate APT records.
APT rejected, no matching Item. There is an APT record in the input file without a corresponding ITM record (with the same Item ID/Item Revision ID).
APT rejected.  Bad ITM. Unless there are additional error messages for this record, it probably contains no errors. It was rejected because it is dependent on an ITM record that was rejected. Correct the errors associated with the ITM record.
Manuf Part ID req'd if Manuf ID entered. A Manufacturer Part ID must be provided if a Manufacturer ID is provided. Remove the Manufacturer ID value from the input file or provide the Manufacturer Part ID.
Only 1 preferred alt part per Item. There is more than one APT record for this with the same Item ID / Item Revision ID that has a Preference Flag equal to Y (Yes).  Only one Alternate Part per Part ID/Part Revision ID can be preferred. Change one of the input records' Preferred Flag from Y to N.
Vend Part ID req'd if Vend ID entered. A Vendor Part ID must be provided if a Vendor ID is provided. Remove the Vendor ID value from the input file or provide the Vendor Part ID.
Company mismatch between line and user. Update to existing line – Input file ALT_PART.COMPANY_ID is Not Null and does not match user’s COMPANY_ID.
Manufacturer ID is required if Manufacturer Part ID is entered. Manufacturer ID must be provided if Manufacturer Part ID is provided.  Modify input file to remove Manufacturer Part ID value or provide the Manufacturer ID.
Vendor ID is required if Vendor Part ID is entered. Vendor ID must be provided if Vendor Part ID is provided.  Modify input file to remove Vendor Part ID value or provide the Vendor ID.