Invoice Detail Subtask

Use this subtask to view the selected sales order lines invoicing information, which includes invoice dates, packing slip numbers, addresses, and notes.


Field Description
Sales Order

This field displays the sales order ID for the selected line.


This field displays the status of the sales order


These fields display the customer from the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency of the sales order line item.

SO Line

This field displays the sales order line number for the selected line.


This field displays the identification number of the item selected on the sales order line.

Item Rev

This field displays the latest revision number of the item selected on the sales order line.


This field displays the description of the item selected on the sales order line.

Due Date

This field displays the date by which the sales order line item has been promised to the customer.

Misc Type

This field displays a miscellaneous charge type code for MSC (miscellaneous) sales order lines types. Create and define these codes on the Manage Line Charge Types screen.

Table Window

The fields display from the Manage Invoices screen. If you use Multicurrency, all applicable columns labels display the prefix "Trans Currency"; the corresponding amounts display in that currency. If you use Multicurrency, these fields will be hidden.

Field Description
Invoice Number

This field displays the ID number of the invoice issued against the sales order line.


This field displays the date on which the invoice was created for the sales order line.

Invc Line

This field displays the invoice line number issued against the sales order line.

Invoiced Quantity

This field displays the number of items from the sales order line that appear on the invoice.


This field displays the invoice unit of measure, which is the same as the sales order unit of measure.

Gross Unit Price

This field displays the gross unit price on the invoice, from the item selected on the sales order line.

Volume Rate Discount

This field displays the volume discount (if one is given), expressed as a percentage, from the item selected on the sales order line.

Net Unit Price

This field displays the net unit price (gross unit price less volume discount), from the item on the sales order line.

Ext Price Amount

This field displays the invoice total extended amount (quantity ordered multiplied by net unit price) from the sales order line.

Line Charge Amount

This field displays the total amount of line charges, if any, for the item from the sales order line.

Sales Tax/VAT Code

This field displays the sales tax code location for the item from the sales order line.


This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not the item is taxable.

Tax Rate

This field displays the tax rate for the sales tax code, expressed as a percentage.

Sales Tax/VAT Amount

This field displays the total sales tax amount for the invoiced item on the sales order line.

Line Charge Sales Tax/VAT Amt

This field displays the sales tax amount for the line charges associated with the invoiced item on the sales order line.

Total Line Amt

This field displays the total dollar invoice amount (sum of the sales order line including line charges and sales tax) for the item on the sales order line.

Post Seq

This field displays the voucher's posting sequence number (to accounts payable) for this invoice.

Fiscal Year

This field displays the fiscal year in which the voucher for the invoice was posted.


This field displays the period in which the voucher for the invoice was posted.


This field displays the subperiod in which the voucher for the invoice was posted.

Trans Currency Gross Unit Price

This field displays the gross unit price from the sales order line. If modifications are required to the gross unit price, you must make them on the Manage Invoices Supervisor Screen. Costpoint supports a maximum gross unit price of 99,999,999.9999. Negative unit costs are allowed.

Trans Currency Net Unit Price

This field displays the net unit price of the item from the sales order line. This is the price of one unit of the item after any volume discounts have been applied. Costpoint derives the net unit price from the gross unit price and applicable volume discount percentage, if they have been entered. You can modify the net unit price on the Manage Invoices Supervisor Screen.

Trans Currency Ext Price Amount

This field displays the extended price amount from the sales order line. Costpoint calculates the extended price amount by multiplying the net unit price by the invoiced quantity. If you have not entered a quantity, you must enter the extended price amount. If modifications are required to the extended price amount, you must make them on the Manage Invoices Supervisor Screen.

Trans Currency Line Charge Amount

The cumulative price of the line charges entered in the Line Charges subtask of Manage Invoices displays here and can be modified only in that subtask.

Trans Currency Sales Tax/VAT Amount

This field displays the sales tax amount calculated by Costpoint when the Taxable column is set to Y (Yes). Costpoint calculates this value as the product of Extended Price Amount and Tax Rate.

Trans Currency Line Charge Sales Tax/VAT Amt

This field displays the sales Tax/VAT amount in the transaction currency for this line charge.

Trans Currency Total Line Amt

This field displays the total dollar invoice amount (sum of the sales order line including line charges and sales tax) for the item on the invoice line.

Modified By

This field displays the user ID of the person who entered or last modified the invoice line.


Subtask Description
Packing Slips Click this link to access the Packing Slips subtask, where you can view packing slip information for the selected invoice.
Header Detail Click this link to access the Header Detail subtask.
Line Notes Click this link to access the Line Notes subtask, where you can view notes for the selected invoice.
iRAPT Click this link to access the iRAPT subtask, where you can view iRAPT file information for the selected invoice.