Contents of the Billing Profile Screen

Use this screen to display the billing history of the selected project. Only system-generated invoices are displayed in the report.


Field Description
Project ID

Enter or click to select, the project ID.

Billing Profile Details

After you select the Project ID and other report settings, click to populate the Billing Profile Details table.

Column Headings Description
Project ID This column displays the project the invoice was charged to.
Bill# This column displays the Bill number that is linked to a Billing Profile Details report.
Description This column displays the description (if any) of the Bill.
Invoice Date This column displays the date of the invoice.
Due Date This column displays the date the invoice is due.
Bill Period Start This column displays the date the billing period starts.
Bill Period End This column displays the date the billing period ends.
Amount Billed This column displays the amount that was billed.
Retainage This column displays the amount of the bill to be deferred at the time the invoice is issued, which the customer will pay only upon final delivery of the completed project.
Amount Record This column displays the amount received.