Apply Indirect Costs to Summarized Project Ledger

Use this screen with the Summarize Project Ledger toolkit. The Summarize Project Ledger process summarizes the rows in PROJ_SUM and PROJ_BURD_SUM and then deletes the rows no longer needed.

Use this screen to compute burden on the periods that contain the summarized rows. You cannot use the normal compute burden process on these periods because it results in incorrect data by overwriting the costs. You cannot run this screen for if your company uses the Current Period Rates burden application method. In addition, there must not be any rows in the PROJ_SUM table, for the project range specified, which precede the subperiod specified.

This screen uses the general ledger (GL_POST_SUM) as the source for the costs on which burden is being applied. If the costs are not found in the general ledger for the periods selected, the toolkit uses the project ledger (PROJ_SUM).