Configuration Projects Subtask

Use this subtask to view projects linked to the configuration associated with the selected assembly in the View Where-Used Bills of Material screen.


Item No

This field displays the item number for the component part.

Field Description
AC 1

This field displays the AC 1 information for the component part.


This field displays the component part description.


This field displays the line number that identifies the assembly.

Assembly Part

This field displays the identification code of the assembly.

Assy Rev

This field displays the assembly revision.

Assembly Description

This field displays the description of the assembly.

Table Window

This table window lists all projects associated with the assembly's configurations.

Field Description

This field contains the identification code of the configuration assigned to the selected assembly.

Configuration Description

This field displays the configuration's description.


This field displays the project ID associated with the configuration.

Proj Abbrev

This field displays the project ID abbreviation.

Project Name

This field displays the project name.


this field displays Y (Yes) if the project is active. Otherwise, this field displays N (No).

Starting Date

This field displays the starting date of the project's the period of performance.

Ending Date

This field displays the ending date of the project's period of performance.