Contents of the Update ABC Classifications Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Update ABC Classifications screen.


Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options, if there are any, are also included in the saved parameter ID. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Field Description
Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made on the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made on the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display on the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Selection Ranges

Use the Warehouse and Project fields to specify the information that will print on the report.


This field is available only when you select the ABC Classification by Warehouse check box on the Configure Inventory Settings screen. You must select a warehouse before you can run this process. Warehouse selections are filtered by the selected company. Only parts with inventory in locations in that warehouse or with reservations, orders or requisition lines linked to that warehouse are processed. All inventory and future demand quantities are accessed by warehouse.

When you click drop-down and select Perform ABC Analysis or Print/Perform ABC Analysis, the parameters are stored in the ABC Classification by Warehouse (ABC_CLASSIF_WHSE) table for the corresponding warehouse. If a row does not exist, it is inserted for the selected warehouse. The ABC Classification (ABC_CLASSIF) table values are not updated when running the process by warehouse. Multiple sets of ABC classifications can exist for a given company (one set per warehouse).

Also, when you select either of the perform or print options, the ABC code is modified in the Part ABC Information by Warehouse (PART_WHSE) table for rows with matching part/warehouses. If the screen count tolerance percent and count frequency percent are null, rows with values are not updated (no matter what the overwrite flag is set to). If not null and if the PART_WHSE row's count tolerance percent and count frequency equal zero, Costpoint updates these options as well. If PART_WHSE row values are not equal to zero, Costpoint updates them only if the override flag for the respective field is checked when running the process. The PART table values are not updated when running the process by warehouse. A row is inserted if one does not exist for a particular part/warehouse combination.


The process option is only available after you use the preview option.

Field Description

This field always displays One.


Enter, or click to select, the starting point for the range of warehouses to be ranked.


Field Description

Select the range option for projects to classify from the drop-down list. The system-defined selections are:

  • All
  • One
  • Range
  • From Beginning
  • To End

Enter, or click to select, the starting point for the range of inventory projects to be ranked. Costpoint uses only the inventory and cost values for the projects selected. Deltek suggests that all projects be selected for ABC classification purposes.


Enter, or click to select, the ending point for the range of inventory projects to be ranked. Costpoint uses only the inventory and cost values for the projects selected. Deltek suggests that all projects be selected for ABC classification purposes.

Sort By

Field Description
1st Sort

Select an option from the drop-down list to indicate how to sort the report. The available options are:

  • ABC Class Ranking
  • Part


Select Make/Buy

Use this group box to determine the type of parts to include in the count.

Field Description

Select this check box to include parts that your company makes in this count. If you clear this check box, make parts are not included.


Select this check box to include parts that your company buys in this count. If you clear this check box, buy parts are not included.

ABC Classification Type

Select a value/usage algorithm to use from the drop-down list when ranking the parts for the ABC classification:

  • Cost: Select this option to rank parts in descending order by cost using the option selected in the Cost Method field. There is no modification in logic for Cost when you select the ABC Classification by Warehouse check box on the Configure Inventory Settings screen.
  • Cost * Future Demand: If you select this option, parts are ranked in descending order of their selected cost multiplied by the sum of the reserved quantities for the selected projects. If you have licensed the Master Production Scheduling module, open forecast quantities are included in future demand calculations. When you select the ABC Classification by Warehouse check box on the Configure Inventory Settings screen, only reservations with a warehouse matching that of the selected warehouse are used. Demand that does not have an associated INVT_WHSE_LOC is excluded.
  • Cost * Past Usage: If you select this option, parts are ranked in descending order of their selected cost multiplied by past years' usage quantity plus the year-to-date usage quantity for the selected projects. When you select the ABC Classification by Warehouse check box on the Configure Inventory Settings screen, past usage is the sum of usage transactions referencing the part for the selected warehouse. This includes issues to projects/accounts, issue to purchase orders, issues to sales orders, and issues to manufacturing orders.
  • Cost * (Future Demand + Past Usage): If you select this option, parts are ranked in descending order of their selected cost multiplied by the sum of the reserved quantities plus past years' usage quantity plus the year-to-date usage quantity for the selected projects. If you have licensed the Master Production Scheduling module, open forecast quantities are included in future demand calculations. When you select the ABC Classification by Warehouse check box on the Configure Inventory Settings screen, the sum of future demand and past usage (as per above modified calculations) is multiplied by the cost.
  • Cost * On-Hand Inventory: If you select this option, parts are ranked in descending order of their selected cost multiplied by the current on-hand quantities for the selected projects. When you select the ABC Classification by Warehouse check box on the Configure Inventory Settings screen, only on-hand quantities in inventory locations for a matching warehouse is used.
Cost Method

Select the cost method to value the parts from the drop-down list. The available methods are:

  • Average Actual: Select this method to use the weighted average cost for all inventory abbreviations for the selected projects for that part. If you selected Acceptance in the Inventory Recognition Point field on the Configure Inventory Settings screen, On-Hand and Shipping quantities are included. If you set the Inventory Recognition Point to Receipt, all quantities except On-Hold are included.
  • Last: Select this method to use the last cost of the project if only one project is selected; otherwise, the item last cost is used.
  • Reference: Select this method to use the reference cost of the project if one project is selected; otherwise, the item reference cost is used.
  • Standard: Select this method to use the standard cost of the project if one project is selected; otherwise, the item standard cost is used.
Note: There is no modification in logic for Cost Method when you select the ABC Classification by Warehouse check box on the Configure Inventory Settings screen.

Classification Percentages

Field Description

Select the basis for grouping parts into the various classifications whether ABC classification is based on Number of Parts or the Cumulative Value of Parts. The initial value defaults to Number of Parts.

  • Number of Parts: This option means that the percentages of ABCDE class parts will be based on the number of parts included in the calculation.

    For example, if there are 1000 parts, and you specify A = 10%, it will assign A to the first 100 rows (ranked in descending value), regardless of the value of parts.

  • Cumulative Value: This option means that the percentages of ABCDE class parts will be based on the cumulative value (amount) associated with the parts.

    For example, if there are 1000 parts totaling $1,000,000, and you specify A = 10%, it will assign A to the ranked parts until the Cumulative % reaches $100,000 (which is 10% of $1million), regardless of the number of parts.

For either of the option, the value of the parts included is calculated the same way using the Cost Method and ABC Classification Type you selected on the screen. The parts are then listed in descending rank amount order, rank percent, and cumulative percent.

A to E

Enter the percentage of the total number of parts ranked to be classified in each category. The sum of percentages must add up to 100 percent. Any ties in rankings are assigned to the higher ranking, but any overflow assigned to the higher ranking is counted against the lower ranking's percentage.

Default Count Values

You can use this screen to update the ABC codes in the parts master only if you have selected one of the check boxes in this group box.

Overwrite - Count Freq (Days)

Select this check box to overwrite any non-zero count frequencies for any selected part. If you clear this check box, non-zero count frequencies are not overwritten.

Field Description
A to E

Enter the count frequency in Days that will be written to the part Warehouse for parts with this category.

Overwrite - Count Tolerance

Select this check box to overwrite any non-zero count tolerance for any selected part. If you clear this check box, non-zero count tolerances are not overwritten.

Field Description
A to E

Enter the count tolerance percentage allowed for selected parts with this category.

Reload ABC Defaults

Click this button to load default classification percentages, count frequencies and tolerance fields by ABC code.