Contents of the Manage Sales Order Cost Types Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Sales Order Cost Types screen.

Table Window

Field Description
Cost Type

This field displays the two-character system-defined cost type code, which cannot be modified. Valid cost types are:

  • CS: Cost Schedule/Pct of Sales. The appropriate product cost schedule is determined in the sales order by the pricing project or the pricing catalog. Costpoint derives the unit cost by comparing the sales order's order date to the product's start and end date in the Project Cost Schedule and then comparing the order quantity to the designated quantity breakpoints. It is important to note that the order quantity, rather than the issue quantity, will determine the item's breakpoint unit cost.
    Note: Update and maintain the following three item-related costs, "IL", "IR", and "IS", on the Manage Item Costs screen in Product Definition.
  • IL: Item Last Cost. Costpoint maintains this cost field. It is updated when a receiving transaction is recorded for a sales order item. The receiving transaction is preceded by entry of a requisition and purchase order.
  • IR: Item Reference Cost. This value indicates that the item cost will be from the Manage Item Costs screen for reference cost types.
  • IS: Item Standard Cost. This value indicates that the item cost will be from the Manage Item Costs screen for standard cost types.
  • PL: Project/Item Last Cost. Costpoint maintains this cost field. It is updated when a receiving transaction is recorded for a sales order item that was charged to the corresponding project. The receiving transaction is preceded by entry of a requisition and purchase order.
  • PO: Purchase Order Cost. You can generate a purchase requisition from an approved sales order into a purchase requisition; the requisition, in turn, can become a purchase order line. This cost type looks up the purchase order created for the associated sales order. The sales order number is stored along with the requisition and purchase order line numbers and the information flows through Costpoint. When the ordering unit of measure differs from the selling unit of measure, Costpoint converts the unit cost accordingly.

Update and maintain the following project/item-related costs in the Manage Project Item Costs screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

  • PR: Project/Item Reference Cost. This value indicates that the item cost will be from the Manage Project Item Costs screen for reference cost types. Each item can have a different cost associated with it for a given project.
  • PS: Project/Item Standard Cost. This value indicates that the item cost will be from the Manage Project Item Costs screen for standard cost types. Each item can have a different cost associated with it for a given project.

This field displays the description of the two-character cost type code.


Enter the sequence in which you want the cost types to be searched to determine item costs when material issue and invoice transactions are recorded. Rank the cost types by entering numbers between one and eight; enter zero if a cost type should not be searched. Costpoint sequentially accesses cost types starting with one.

Costpoint performs a search until it locates a cost greater than zero. If all cost types have a zero value, Costpoint will use a zero unit cost for computing the extended cost. Costpoint multiplies the unit cost by the material issue quantity, or when appropriate, the invoice quantity, to determine the extended cost.