Planning Tab

The Planning tab contains the lead time calculation, planner assignment, and backflush timing.

Lead Time Calculation

Field Description
Standard Calendar

Select this option to use the standard calendar when backscheduling requirements from lead time. This is the system default.

Shop Days

Select this option to use the shop calendar when backscheduling requirements from lead time.

Planner Assignment

There are several options available to assign the planning method. Select one option that best meets your requirements.

Field Description

Select this option if you want planners to be assigned work by specific part numbers. This is the system default.

Inventory Project

Select this option if you want planners to be assigned work by inventory projects.


Select this option if you want planners to be assigned work by commodity code.

Netting Group

Select this option if you want planners to be assigned work by project netting group.

Default Planner Enter, or click to select, the default planner when a planner is not available for the part, commodity code, inventory project, or netting group.

Backflush Timing

Field Description
First Issue

Select this option to pull backflush parts from inventory upon the first issue to that MO. This is the system default.

Relief - Total

Select this option to pull all backflush parts from inventory upon MO relief. Selecting this option enables the Autoload button on the Enter Manufacturing Order Issues screen.

Relief - Partial

Select this option to pull partial backflush parts from inventory upon MO relief. Selecting this option enables the Autoload button on the Enter Manufacturing Order Issues screen.

[Additional Settings]

Field Description
Allow MO for Unreleased Build Parts

Select this checkbox to allow MOs to be created for parts that are not yet released.

Allow Multiple Inv Abbrev Build-To Allocations for MOs

Select this checkbox to allow MO build quantities to be split to multiple inventory abbreviations.

Allow Auto-Update MO status In-Shop

Select this checkbox to have the MO status updated to In-Shop when a timesheet is charged to it.

Allow Serial Lot Backflush Select this checkbox to create backflush parts that are serial and/or lot tracked. Backflushing will be done based on the Backflush Timing option using First Expired, First Out (FEFO) method for parts with shelf life expiration dates, and First In, First Out (FIFO) by lot and serial number for parts without expiration dates. The opposite method of Last Out, First In will be used for negative issues.
Allow quantity relief in Discrepancy Rework Orders

Select this checkbox to allow cost and quantity to be relieved and issued back to the original work order indicated in the discrepancy order.

Allow Rejections at MO Relief Select this checkbox to allow you to relieve non-conforming inventory into a MRB or On-Hold locations.
Allow Full Changes on MO BOM Components

Select this checkbox to allow planners to modify MO requirement lines after they are copied from the BOM table.

Default Locations on Autoload of MO Issue Lines

Select this checkbox to automatically load default valid locations when you click the Autoload button to populate manufacturing order issue lines.

Incl Scrap/Yield % in MO Requirements

Select this checkbox to include planned scrap and yield quantities on MO requirements and pick lists.

Incl Scrap/Yield % in Planning Process

Select this checkbox to include planned scrap/yield quantities when calculating requisition/order quantities during planning.

Set Reservation ID to MO Number

Select this checkbox to have the ID of a MO's reservation set to the MO ID.

Incl MRB as Available Inventory

Select this checkbox to include MRB inventory as available inventory for planning.

Suppress Find No for Phantom Subassembly Components

Select this checkbox to suppress the Find number of phantom components.

Suppress Automatic MO Completion upon Full Relief

Select this checkbox to prevent the manufacturing order (MO) status to change to Completed when items/quantities have been fully relieved.


Use this drop-down list to select the validation to apply when the negative manufacturing order cost exceeds the allowable threshold amount specified in the Allowable Negative MO Cost Amount field. Your choices are:

  • No Validation: No validation check is performed against open requirements.
  • Warning: If there are open inventory requirements, a warning displays but you can ignore it.
  • Hard Error: If there are open inventory requirements, an error displays and you cannot proceed.