Invoicing Receipt Acceptance and Property Transfer

Invoicing, Receipt, Acceptance and Property Transfer (iRAPT) is a secure web-based system set up by the Department of Defense (DoD) for electronic invoicing, receipt, and acceptance. You can electronically submit invoices and government inspection and acceptance documents.

Using web-based applications, government contractors and authorized DoD personnel can generate, capture, and process receipt and payment-related documentation. Authorized DoD users are notified of pending actions by email and are presented with a collection of documents required to process the contracting or financial action. Costpoint uses Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to electronically bind the digital signature to provide non-refutable proof that the user has electronically signed the document. More importantly, iRAPT helps to mitigate interest penalty payments caused by lost or misplaced documents. The iRAPT website is https:\\

You can submit invoices to the iRAPT using one of three different methods:

  • You can enter your invoices into the iRAPT system, one at a time, by accessing the iRAPT website and completing each interface screen. This method is currently available to any contractor that has been set up and approved for the iRAPT.
  • You can create a batch file, which can contain multiple invoices that can be uploaded into Costpoint. One type of batch file is Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), which requires you to acquire translation software to match the batch file to a transaction set.  Because of the cost and complexity of EDI, many companies do not use the EDI method unless they are already set up for it. Additionally, the iRAPT has noted that the overwhelming majority of the batch files they receive are not EDI. For this reason, Costpoint does not currently include the ability to generate EDI batch files for the iRAPT.
  • Another batch file method is File Transfer Protocol (FTP), which involves creating a flat file that you can transfer via FTP to the iRAPT. Because of its relative simplicity, this is the method Costpoint uses to create iRAPT files.

    Costpoint's role is to create the batch files that can be uploaded to the iRAPT. There is a deployment process, outlined in government websites, which is required of contractors who plan to use the iRAPT. It is the responsibility of users to understand this process, as well as the iRAPT system in general.

Note: iRAPT functionality should be viewed as a living enhancement that is continually modified. The iRAPT Interface Control Documents are modified about every six months and are available from the Department of Defense Wide Area Workflow website.

Billing data is retrieved from three different general sources: Standard Bills, Progress Payment Bills, and Project Product Bills. You can select the source on an individual project basis. Regardless of the source of the files, however, you can retrieve only data that is currently available in the billing tables. If the data is not available, you can enter the information on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen so that it appears in the file.

Here is how you typically use the Costpoint's iRAPT feature.

One: Configure Billing Settings screen

We have added a new iRAPT Options group box to the Configure Billing Settings screen. Use it to specify a default output path for the Create iRAPT Billing Files screen. This provides guidance to your users and assists them in ensuring that their output files are directed to the proper location.

Note: If you do not modify the default path on the Create iRAPT Billing Files screen each time you generate a file, the previous billing file is overwritten. We recommend that you give the file path a name that helps identify each file submitted.

Select the Enable Project Product Bills for iRAPT checkbox to enable the ACRNs and MILSTRIPs subtasks on the Manage Project Product Bills screen. In addition, the Line Item Type becomes visible in the table window of the main screen.

Two: Configure iRAPT Billing Settings screen

On this screen, set up all the valid CAGE codes for your company. A company can have more than one CAGE code. You must also enter the Department of Defense Activity Address Codes (DoDAAC) specified in your contract. These become the defaults assigned to the CAGE Code, but you can modify them on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen when you assign the CAGE Code to a project. You can enter extensions, but they are not required.

Three: Manage Project iRAPT Information screen

Set up this screen at the billing level of the project for which you would like to create an iRAPT FTP file. You also need to assign a CAGE Code to this project. You can assign only one CAGE code to an invoice-level project. The DoDAACs you assigned to the CAGE code on the Configure iRAPT Billing Settings screen default in to the DODAACs group box at the bottom of the screen, but you can modify them. You also have the following three options:

  • Include Discounts and Taxes in CLIN: This checkbox defaults as selected. If you leave this checkbox selected, the taxes and discounts follow the billed amounts as mapped to the CLIN. If the CLIN Mapping Method is Use ACRN Mapping, this checkbox is selected and non-editable.
  • Map Units by Account: This option defaults as selected. If you leave this option selected, the unit transaction account is used in the mapping. This method treats units as any other billable cost. If you select this option and the Combo invoice type, the UID or RFID information (lines 16D – 16F) is not used in the Combo file. If the CLIN Mapping Method is Default CLIN, this option is not available.
  • Combine Units by Transaction CLIN: Select this option to have unit transactions mapped by the CLIN/catalog used when the units were entered. If the CLIN Mapping Method is Use ACRN Mapping, you must map the unit transaction CLIN or catalog on the Manage ACRN Bills screen as a line item to be included in the iRAPT file. If the CLIN Mapping Method is CLIN Mapping, the transaction CLIN or catalog does not need to be mapped to be included in the iRAPT file. However, if the CLIN is specified and other billed costs are also mapped to that CLIN, they are summed together and the unit price derives as the total billed amount divided by the quantity of units billed. If you use this method, if the CLIN and item on the UID Information subtask matches the billed units, and the invoice type is Combo, the UID and RFID information is used in the iRAPT file (16D – 16F). If the CLIN Mapping Method is Default CLIN, this option is not available.

Next, you need to specify a CLIN mapping method.

CLIN Mapping Method

Use the fields in this group box to select the CLIN mapping method for this record.

  • If you select the Use ACRN Mapping option, you must first set up the Manage ACRN Bills screen. If you select this option, Costpoint uses the mapping set up on the Manage ACRN Bills screen when creating the iRAPT file. All fees and burdens and possibly taxes and discounts (if selected) follow the billed amounts with which they are associated. Since iRAPT files are built using line items, the only valid ACRN mapping methods are ACRN/Line Item and ACRN/Line Item with Mapping.
  • If you select the Default CLIN option, enter a CLIN ID in the field to the right of the option. The Create iRAPT Billing Files screen uses this CLIN when creating the FTP file.
  • If you select the CLIN Mapping option, use the CLIN Mapping subtask and its subtasks to map projects and, optionally, accounts or labor categories. If you have specific project account groups or have established their transaction projects so that they relate to ACRNs or CLINs (line items), no account or PLC mapping is necessary. For example:
    Project Number Project Function Line Item (CLIN)
    C001 Top Level Rollup
    C001.01 Revenue and Billing Level
    C001.01.01 Task 1 Engineering Labor 0001AA
    C001.01.02 Task 2 Support Labor 0002AB
    C001.01.03 Task 3 Other Direct Costs 0001AA

    You have line items associated with the project tasks, so there is no need to map accounts or PLCs. You can map the transaction level project as shown above.

    If the line items cannot easily be associated with project numbers, you can map accounts or Project Labor Categories (PLCs) to each line using the Accounts or CLIN Mapping subtasks.

You also need to specify what type of invoice you want to generate. The valid invoice types are Cost Voucher, Commercial Invoice, 2N1, Combo, and Progress Payment. Costpoint generates a different FTP file for each invoice type. Each must be submitted separately.

After you determine what type of invoice you want to generate, you need to specify what source the Create iRAPT Billing Files screen uses to retrieve the data for this invoice project. The available file sources are Standard Bills, Progress Payment Bills, or Project Product Bills.

Note: Please be aware that the Create iRAPT Billing Files screen retrieves the data from the billing edit tables. Do not post your bills until you have generated your iRAPT FTP files.

Use the appropriate fields or subtasks to enter additional information for each invoice type. This information is required for the generation of the FTP file but is not available in the billing edit tables.

  • Cost Voucher: You can enter a task order in Cost Voucher Task Order field to be included in the file, but it is not required. Select the Final Invoice checkbox if the next invoice generated for this project is the final invoice.

    If an attachment must be submitted with the file, enter the file path and file name. The file path is not submitted in the file but is stored here to help you locate the file that was submitted.

  • Commercial Invoice: Indicate whether the next invoice to be generated is the final invoice and/or final shipment. If the invoice is the final shipment and you are using the MOCAS pay system, the bill number must be formatted as indicated in the "iRAPT layouts FTP – MOCAS.xls" spreadsheet, available from Deltek's e-Support site (this information is also included in the documentation for the Create iRAPT Billing Files screen). The attachment file works the same as for the Cost Voucher.
  • 2N1: Indicate whether the next invoice to be generated is the final invoice and/or final shipment.  If the invoice is the final shipment and you are using the MOCAS pay system, the bill number must be formatted as indicated in the "iRAPT layouts FTP – MOCAS.xls" spreadsheet, available from Deltek's e-Support site (this information is also included in the documentation for the Create iRAPT Billing Files screen). The attachment file works the same as for the Cost Voucher.
  • Combo: The Combo Invoice Type group box contains several fields that are needed in the generated Combo file that are not in the Billing Edit tables.
  • UID Information subtask: This subtask is available only for Combo invoice types. CLINs and items entered on the UID Information subtask must match CLINS and items that are being billed. If they do not, they are not included in the file. The UID Type drop-down list includes the seven acceptable UID types. The IAC (Issuing Agency Code) is required if the UID Type is UID1 or UID2.  

    If you select a line in the first table window and open the UID Detail Information subtask, you can add lines for the Unique Identifier and UID Serial No. There can be a many-to-one relationship between the lines in the first table window (on the UID Information subtask) and the lines in the second table window (on the UID Detail Information subtask). If an item has UIDs, the number of UIDs entered must match the item quantity in the iRAPT file.

  • RFID Information subtask: The RFID information is used to track shipped items. When you enter lines in this table window, the Tag Type defaults to RFID but can be modified.  The tag ID must be 16, 24, 32, or 64 characters in length, and you can use only numerals 0-9 and letters A-F. You cannot use spaces or special characters.
  • Progress Payment Invoice Type group box: This group box is available only for Progress Payment invoice types.

    If advanced payments against this contract have been received or items have been delivered, invoiced, and accepted, select the Delivery on Invoice checkbox. If this checkbox is selected, you must have amounts in line 20a and 25 on the progress payment invoice from which an iRAPT file is generated.

    The Date of Financial Information is required in the iRAPT file. The request number must begin with PPRB if the FMS checkbox is selected. Otherwise the request number must begin with PPRA. If the request number is eight characters long, the eighth character must be a letter to designate a LOT contract. For this reason, the program cannot extrapolate a previous bill number.

Note: The ACRN/FMS (Accounting Character Reference Number/ Foreign Military Sales) codes are not tied to the new Costpoint ACRN functionality because the source records for iRAPT come from the BILL_EDIT_DETL table, and ACRN is not contained in that table. You must manually enter the ACRN amounts.

Four: Manage Standard Bills screen, Manage Progress Payment Bills screen

For a project to be included in an FTP file, there must be data in the billing edit tables and the bill must have a status of Selected. Also, the Included in iRAPT File checkbox must be cleared. (The Included in iRAPT File checkbox is located on the Header tab of the Manage Standard Bills screen and the Section 1; Box 1 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen.) This ensures that the project is not included in more than one FTP file. If you make any modifications to over ceiling or retainage amounts and a record exists on the Manage ACRN Bills screen or the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen, a message displays indicating the modifications are not included in the ACRN allocation or iRAPT file. In this case, you must modify the ACRN allocation amount on the Manage ACRN Bills screen and the iRAPT file.

Five: Create iRAPT Billing Files screen

Use this screen to generate an FTP file for one invoice type at a time. The application references the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen to determine which projects are assigned the invoice type selected. The program also looks at the File Source selection, or Project Product Bills) in that screen to determine which billing edit tables to use to retrieve the invoice information.

If, after generating an FTP file, you find that it has a project you do not want to include, you should deselect the project bill and rerun the process. You can select the Clear iRAPT File Flags checkbox and rerun the Create iRAPT Billing Files screen for the project selection. This allows you to recreate the file to include all selected invoices, even if they were created in a prior process.

Because the files submitted to the iRAPT system effectively replace hard copies of the invoices, Create iRAPT Billing Files follows the same logic as printing the bills. The same selection criteria on the Post Standard Bills screen is found on the Create iRAPT Billing Files screen.

In order to be included in a batch file, the bill must fall within the parameters on the processing screen for:

  • Project
  • Billing Cycle
  • Bill Group
  • Project Manager
  • Invoice
  • The Invoice Type of the project record on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen (PROJ_WAWF_INFO.wawf_invc_type_cd) must match the Invoice Type selected on the processing screen.
  • The bill must have a Select status (S), indicating that it has been approved.
  • The Included in iRAPT File checkbox must be blank (N) in the appropriate bill edit header in order for the bill to be included in the file:
    • Standard Bills:  BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR.xfr_wawf_fl
    • Progress Payment Bills:  PRG_PMT_EDIT_HDR.xfr_wawf_fl
    • Project Product Bills:  PROJ_PROD_INVC_HDR.xfr_wawf_fl

Refer to the following spreadsheets, available from Deltek's e-Support site, to see how the file is built and where the information is pulled from. This information is also available in the documentation for the Create iRAPT Billing Files screen (see the "FTP File Layouts" section).

  • iRAPT FTP Layouts Other — Standard Bill.xls
  • iRAPT FTP Layouts MOCAS — Standard Bill.xls
  • iRAPT FTP Layouts Other — Project Product Bill.xls
  • iRAPT FTP Layouts MOCAS — Project Product Bill.xls
  • iRAPT FTP Layouts — Progress Payment Bill.xls
  • Other Standard Bills Attachment.xls
  • MOCAS Attachment.xls

Setup Hints: Other Charges

If you are billing other charges, you need to enter an acceptable fee/charge in the Other Charge Code column of the Manage Other Billing Charges screen. See the iRAPT Interface Control Document (ICD) for details. After you have set up the other charge here, enter the other charge on the Totals tab of the Manage Standard Bills screen after you calculate the standard bill or on the Other Info tab of the Manage Project Product Bills screen. This code generates in the iRAPT file as a line item type 2, and the line item is the code entered.

Setup Hints: Manage Project Product Bills screen

You have the option of using a manual-type bill (Project Product Bills) as the source for the iRAPT files. Using this type of bill provides more flexibility than Standard Bills because you can manually enter the information that appears in the files.

The following column is available only if the Enable Project Product Bills for iRAPT checkbox is selected on the Configure Billing Settings screen: Line Item Type.

In addition, three subtasks are enabled: Billing Detail, ACRNs, and MILSTRIPs:

  • The Billing Detail tab can alert you that the project product bill has already been included in an iRAPT file (the Included in iRAPT File checkbox is selected but can be modified). This feature helps prevent the bill from being included in a file more than once.
  • Use the ACRNs subtask to enter ACRN information for each line on the invoice. This allows ACRN information to be sent with the invoice in the iRAPT file since there is no link in Costpoint between ACRN functionality and project product bills. This subtask represents ACRN detail for one line in the project product bill. You can enter as many lines as you want, but you cannot enter duplicate lines. The total ACRN Amount entered must equal the amount billed on the line.
  • Use the MILSTRIPs subtask to store MILSTRIP information. This subtask represents MILSTRIP detail for one line on the invoice. The Combo invoice type uses MILSTRIP numbers, although they are not required. Do not enter duplicate MILSTRIP numbers. The MILSTRIP Quantity entered must equal the item quantity for the selected line on the bill.