Voucher Line Accounts Subtask

Use this subtask to view information on charge allocations against the purchase order voucher line. A voucher must exist for the selected line on the main screen.


Field Description
PO This field displays the purchase order ID.
Rel This field displays the release number if the order is for a release of a blanket order.
Status This field displays the status of the purchase order.

This field displays the type of order. The system-defined types are:

  • Purchase Order
  • Blanket Order
  • Release Order
  • Subcontract Retainage PO
  • GFM/GE Order
  • Subcontractor Agreement
  • Subcontractor Agreement Blanket
  • Subcontractor Agreement Release
Trans Currency This field displays the transaction currency value of the voucher line.
Line This field displays the line number of the order.
Item This field displays the item ID for this order line.
Rev This field displays the revision and a description of the item.
Status This field displays the status of the order line.
Description This field displays the order line description.
Voucher This field displays the voucher number.
Voucher Line This field displays the voucher line number.
Vendor Invoice This field displays the vendor invoice number.
Invoice Date This field displays the invoice date.
Pay Currency This field displays the pay currency value of the voucher line.
Project This field displays the project ID to which the item is charged.
Organization This field displays the organization ID to which the item is charged.
Account This field displays the account ID to which the item is charged.
Ref 1

This field displays the reference one against which this line is charged.

Note: The field Ref 1 may display a different label if it has been changed on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen. For example, AC 1.
Ref 2

This field displays the reference two against which this line is charged.

Note: The field Ref 2 may display a different label if it has been changed on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen. For example, AC 2.
Ext Amount This field displays the extended amount for this voucher line charge account.
Allocation This field displays the allocation percentage for this purchase order line charge account.
Use Tax Amount This field displays the use tax amount allocated to this voucher line charge account.
Sales Tax Amount This field displays the sales tax amount allocated to this voucher line charge account.
Line Chg Amount This field displays the line charge for the line item.
Project Abbrev This field displays the project abbreviation.
Org Abbrev This field displays the organization abbreviation.
Proj Acct Abbrev This field displays the project account abbreviation code.
Total Before Disc Amt This field displays the total before discount amount allocated to this voucher line charge account.
Discount Amount This field displays the discount amount allocated to this voucher line charge account.
Net Amount The value for this field is Total Before Disc Amount less Discount Amount.