Default Accounts

In order for Costpoint to use the correct accounts for the COGS and warranty expense accruals, you must first identify them as the default accounts on the Set Up Sales Group Abbreviations screen.

You must use the sales group abbreviation regardless of the pricing method used (generic pricing catalogs or CLINs). For a full discussion on Sales Group Abbreviations, please see the appropriate section later in this topic.

On the Set Up Sales Group Abbreviations screen, enter a code to identify this particular group in the Sales Group Abbrev field. Highlight and select the four Transaction Types required for the COGS and warranty expense accrual.

Fill in the Proj Reqd column with either R (Required), S (Substitution Allowed), or N (Non-Project Related). R (Required) means that the project entered in the Project column is used in the billing posting. S (Substitution Allowed) means that the posting program reverts to the project being posted to obtain the account. N (Non-Project Related) means that a project is not used in the posting. If you selected R in the Proj Reqd column, you must enter a project in the Project column. If you selected S, you do not have to make an entry in the Project column because Costpoint uses the account from the project being posted. Also, if you have designated any of the transaction types used in the Sales Account Group as Non-Project Related, you cannot use an account that has been designated as a required project by selecting the Project Required check box on the Manage Accounts screen. Generally, unit cost of sales and warranty expense accruals must be designated as Substitution Allowed, to ensure the project billing the unit usage is also charged with the unit COGS and warranty expense.

Complete the remainder of the Sales Account Group table window by entering the accounts, organizations, and, if you are using them, the reference numbers.

If you are using the CLINs for unit pricing, link the sales account group to the CLIN by entering the Sales Abbrv Code on the Manage CLIN Information screen. This code serves as the default on the Item Linkage subtask, where it can be overridden.

If you are using the generic pricing catalogs, link the sales account group by entering the Sales Abbreviation Code in the Sales Group Abbrev field on the Manage Product Price Catalogs screen.