Error Messages

This section describes the errors you may encounter when using the Import Vendor Quotes screen.

Both Input Files

Column Error Message Error Condition Prevents Processing
All Required Fields The XXXXXXXXXXXX field must be entered. Not supplied in input file. Yes
Line Type Input File Line Type must be "H" or "L." Not "H" or "L." Yes
Quote ID A quote ID must be entered. You selected the Use Input File Values option, but the input file's Quote ID is null/space. Yes

Vendor Quote Header Input File Error Messages and Conditions

Column Error Message Error Condition Prevents Processing
Quote ID This quote/vendor combination already exists. You selected the Use Input File Values option, but the Header Quote ID/Vendor ID combination already exists. Yes
Quote ID Each quote header must have at least one quote line input file. You selected the Use Input File Values option, but the Header Quote ID/Vendor ID does not exist on any Quote Line Input files. Yes
Vendor Invalid Vendor Vendor ID does not exist. Yes
Vendor Vendor is on Hold Vendor's Vendor Status for PO is On Hold. Yes
Vendor Each quote header must have at least one quote line input file. You selected the Auto-Assign option, but the Vendor ID in the Header input file does not exist in any quote line input file records. Yes
Vendor Duplicate header input records exist for this vendor ID. You selected the Auto-Assign option, but the Vendor ID exists in more than one header. Yes
Quote Type Invalid Quote Type Does not exist on the Manage Vendor Quote Types screen in Costpoint Procurement Planning (if not null/space) Yes
Terms Invalid Terms Terms do not exist in Vendor Terms screen. Yes
Employee Invalid Employee Employee ID does not exist in Costpoint Employee (if not null). Yes
Employee Inactive Employee Employee ID is not active in Costpoint Employee. Yes
Buyer For fixed length file format, limit to 3 characters. For delimited file format, increase field size to 10. “Subcontractor Agreement” is checked, but Buyer is not authorized to enter any Subcontractor Agreement type of PO: (BUYER.SUBC_AGR_AUTH_FL=N, BUYER.SUBC_BLKT_AUTH_FL=N, and BUYER.SUBC_RLSE_AUTH_FL=N ). Yes
Security Clearance System ID The Security Clearance System ID is invalid. Does not exist in SEC_CLR_SETTINGS. Yes

Vendor Quote Line Input File Error Messages and Conditions

Column Error Message Error Condition Prevents Processing
Quote ID All quote lines must have a quote header input file. You selected the Use Input File Values option, but the Line Quote ID/Vendor ID combination does not exist in any Quote Header input files. Yes
Vendor Invalid Vendor Invalid Vendor (if not null). Yes
Vendor Vendor is on Hold Vendor's Vendor Status for PO is On Hold. Yes
Vendor All quote lines must have a quote header input file. You selected the Auto-Assign option, but the vendor ID on Line does not exist in any Quote Header input file records. Yes
Item /Misc Line Type Either an Item or Misc. Type must be entered. Both are null or spaces. Yes
Item ID/ Revision Invalid Item/Rev Apply if not null/space. The Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box is selected in the Corporate Settings block of the Configure Product Definition Settings screen in Costpoint Product Definition and the Item/Revision does not exist, or the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box is selected and the Item ID does not exist. Yes
Item ID/Revision Inactive Item/Rev Item is not active in Costpoint Product Definition. Yes
Misc Line Type Invalid Misc. Line Type Does not exist in LN_CHG_TYP table (if not null/space). Yes
Unit Of Measure Invalid Unit Of Measure Does not exist in UM table. Yes
Minimum Qty Minimum Quantity cannot be less than zero. Less than zero. Yes
Unit Cost Unit Cost cannot be less than zero. Less than zero. Yes
Break Qty 2 Cost Unit Cost cannot be less than zero. Less than zero. Yes
Break Qty 2 Break Quantity 2 cannot be less than zero. Less than zero. Yes
Break Qty 2 A break quantity must be entered for each supplied break cost. Break 2 Cost is not zero, and quantity is zero. Yes
Break Qty 2 Cost A cost must be entered for each supplied break quantity. Break 2 Cost is zero, and quantity is not zero. Yes
Break Qty 2 Duplicate break point quantities are not allowed for a quote line. Break Qty 2 equals input file's Minimum Qty. Yes
Break Qty 3 Cost Unit Cost cannot be less than zero. Less than zero. Yes
Break Qty 3 Break Quantity 3 cannot be less than zero. Less than zero. Yes
Break Qty 3 A break quantity must be entered for each supplied break cost. Break 3 Cost is not zero and quantity is zero. Yes
Break Qty 3 Cost A cost must be entered for each supplied break quantity. Break 3 Cost is zero, and quantity is not zero. Yes
Break Qty 3 Duplicate break point quantities are not allowed for a quote line. Break Qty 3 equals input file's Minimum Qty or Break Qty 2. Yes
Break Qty 4 Cost Unit Cost cannot be less than zero. Less than zero. Yes
Break Qty 4 Break Quantity 4 cannot be less than zero. Less than zero. Yes
Break Qty 4 A break quantity must be entered for each supplied break cost. Break 4 Cost is not zero and quantity is zero. Yes
Break Qty 4 Cost A cost must be entered for each supplied break quantity. Break 4 Cost is zero and quantity is not zero. Yes
Break Qty 4 Duplicate break point quantities are not allowed for a quote line. Break Qty 4 equal's input file Minimum Qty or Break Qty 2 or 3. Yes
Break Qty 5 Cost Unit Cost cannot be less than zero. Less than zero. Yes
Break Qty 5 Break Qty cannot be less than zero. Less than zero. Yes
Break Qty 5 A break qty must be entered for each supplied break cost. Break 5 Cost is not zero, and quantity is zero. Yes
Break Qty 5 Cost A cost must be entered for each supplied break quantity. Break 5 Cost is zero, and quantity is not zero Yes
Break Qty 5 Duplicate break point quantities are not allowed for a quote line. Break Qty 5 equals input file Minimum Qty or Break Qty 2, 3, or 4. Yes
Line Charge 1 Type Invalid Line Charge. Does not exist in Line Charge Type table (if not null/space). Yes
Line Charge 1 Type A line charge type is required if the line charge cost is not zero. Line Charge 1 Cost is not zero, but Line Charge 1 Type is null/space. Yes
Line Charge 1 Cost Do not display message, process quote line input row but do not create a Quote Line Charge row for Line Charge 1. Line Charge 1 Cost is zero, but Line Charge 1 Type is not null/space. Yes
Line Charge 2 Type Invalid Line Charge. Does not exist in Line Charge Type table (if not null/space). Yes
Line Charge 2 Type A line charge type is required if the line charge cost is not zero. Line Charge 2 Cost is not zero, but Line Charge 2 Type is null/space. Yes
Line Charge 2 Cost Do not display message, process quote line input row but do not create a Quote Line Charge row for Line Charge 2. Line Charge 2 Cost is zero, but Line Charge 2 Type is not null/space. Yes
Line Charge 3 Type Invalid Line Charge. Does not exist in Line Charge Type table (if not null/space). Yes
Line Charge 3 Type A line charge type is required if the line charge cost is not zero. Line Charge 3 Cost is not zero, but Line Charge 3 Type is null/space. Yes
Line Charge 3 Cost Do not display message, process quote line input row but do not create a Quote Line Charge row for Line Charge 3. Line Charge 3 Cost is zero, but Line Charge 3 Type is not null/space. Yes
Ship ID Do not display message, process row but leave Ship ID null. Does not exist in Ship ID table (if not null/space). No
Manufacturer Do not display message, process row but leave Manufacturer ID, Manufacturer Part ID/Revision as null/space. Does not exist in Manufacturer table (if not null/space). No
Manufacturer Part Do not display message, process row but leave Manufacturer ID, Manufacturer Part ID/Revision as null/space. Manufacturer is null/space, but Manufacturer Part is not null/space. No
Manufacturer Part Rev Do not display message, process row but leave Manufacturer ID, Manufacturer Part ID/Revision as null/space. Manufacturer Part is null/space, but Manufacturer Part Revision is not null/space. No
Vendor Part Rev Do not display message, process row but leave Vendor Part ID/Revision as null/space. Vendor Part is null/space, but Vendor Part Revision is not null/space. No
Add Alternate Part Do not display message, set value to "N" (No). Not "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No). No
Project Do not display message, set value to null. Does not exist in Project (PROJ) table (if not null/space). No
Commodity Do not display message, process row but leave Commodity code null. Does not exist in Commodity (COMM) table (if not null or space). No
Security Clearance System ID The security code is invalid. Does not exist in SCISAP_CLR Yes

Quote Header SCI/SAP Security Codes Input files Error Messages and Conditions

Field Error Condition Message Type (Error/Warning) Message
SCI/SAP Clearance Code Does not exist in SCISAP_CLR E The security code is invalid.

Quote Line Resources Input files Error Messages and Conditions

Field Error Condition Message Type (Error/Warning) Message
State/Province Does not exist in MAIL_STATE.   E The State or Province  is invalid.
Postal Code Does not exist in POSTAL_CD E The Postal Code is invalid.
Country Code Does not exist in COUNTRY E The Country Code is invalid.
Vendor Employee ID Does not exist in VEND_EMPL for login user’s company & PO Vendor E The Vendor Employee is invalid.
Resource Line Entered line number contains alphanumeric characters E Standard message.
Resource Line Entered line number <= 0 E Line must be greater than zero.
Resource Line Entered line number exceeds number allowed E Standard message
No. of Resources Entered value < 0 E Negative numbers are not allowed for No. of Resources.
Total Hours Entered value < 0 E Negative numbers are not allowed for Total Hours.
Hourly Rate Entered value < 0 E Negative numbers are not allowed for Hourly Rate.