Contents of the Manage Configurations Identifiers Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Configurations Identifiers screen.

Table Window

This table window lists all available configuration IDs. Click to add new configuration IDs to the list.

Field Description
Configuration ID

Use this field to enter an identification code for this BOM configuration.


Use this field to enter a description for this BOM configuration.

Link Projects Table Window

Use this table window to link projects to the selected configuration ID in the above table window.

Field Description

Use this field to enter, or use to select, the project ID you want to link to this configuration. This field is populated automatically if you enter data in the Proj Abbrev field.

Project Abbrev

Use this field to enter, or click to select, a valid abbreviation of the project to link to this configuration. This field is populated automatically if you enter data in the Project field.

Project Name

This field displays the description of this project.


This field displays Y (Yes) if the project is active (and is therefore chargeable). Otherwise, this field displays N (No).

Starting Date

This field displays the period of performance starting date of the project.

Ending Date

This field displays the period of performance ending date of the project.