Revenue Setup Subtask

Use this screen to update the default revenue accounts for the forecast's raw costs of an Org level.

By default it populates default accounts and fee rates based on configuration setup. If they are not populated, you get a warning message because budget cannot be committed otherwise. After you click Save, the system recalculates the budget.


The following information displays in the Revenue Setup subtask.

Column Headings Description
Cost Type This column displays the type of raw cost at an Org Level.
Fee Rate Use this field to set or modify the fee rate for each raw cost.
Default Rev Acct Use to select the different revenue accounts.

Fill Subtask

The following are the fields that display for the Fill subtask.

Field Description
Default Direct Labor Acct

Use to select the Default Direct Labor Account ID.

Default Indirect Labor Acct

Use to select the Default Indirect Labor Account ID.

Note: Depending on the options selected on the Org Budget Revenue Calculation field of Configuration Settings, the following details and other Subtasks display on the Revenue Setup form.
Revenue Type

Use the drop-down list to select the type of revenue to be used. You can choose from None, Update Proj Rev or Update Proj/NB Rev.

The check boxes next to Project Labor, Project Non-Labor, and Project Revenue are checked as each process is updated.

Revenue Adjustment Subtask

This subtask is only available if the Org Budget Revenue Calculation option in the Configuration Settings is set to Project Plus Org Revenue Adjustment.

Use the Revenue Adjustment subtask to increase or decrease the Org Budget Revenue by FY/Period/Subpd, or add Fixed Revenue Amounts.

An Audit/History Report is now available as a view subtask in the Revenue Setup subtask. Click View Uploaded Labor, View Uploaded Non-Labor, and  View Uploaded Revenue within the revenue update screen to review the report before committing. It is not necessary to run the processes in order to see the last update.