User-Defined Info Subtask

Use this subtask to view user-defined information assigned to a sales order.

This information was defined through the UDF Info subtask of Manage Sales Orders screen.


Field Description
Sales Order

This field displays the sales order ID for the selected line.


This field displays the status of the sales order.

Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency of the sales order line item.


These fields display the customer from the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Table Window

Field Description
Data Type

This field displays the data type allowed. D (Date) displays entry of only a date. N (Numeric) displays entry of only a number. T (Text) displays entry of alphanumeric text.

You can only use T (Text) data types if Y (Yes) displays in the Validated Text field.


This field displays the label for the user defined field.

Text Value

This field displays the text value of the T (Text) data type user-defined labels.

Numeric Value

This field displays the text value of the N (Numeric) data type user-defined labels.

Date Value

This field displays the text value of the D (Date) data type user-defined labels.

Costpoint Validation Field

This field displays the validation field selected on the Manage Order User-Defined Labels screen. The Validated Text field cannot be used when this column is active.

Validated Text

This field displays a Y (Yes) if entries for this label are restricted to specific alphanumeric text. Use the Validated Text subtask of the Enter/Manage Order User-Defined Labels screen to create these text items and their descriptions. The Costpoint Validation Field cannot be used for this row when there is a Y (Yes) in this column.


This field displays a Y (Yes) if this user-defined information is required for this sales order on this screen.