Post Inventory Journal

Use this screen to print and post eligible inventory transactions from selected accounting periods to the general ledger.

You can print the inventory journal to review before posting, or print and post as one process.

You can bill units from inventory issues by cost, units, or account, depending on the option that is selected in the Bill Inventory Issues As group box on the Other Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen. The option that is selected determines how records are inserted in the Open Billing Detail (OPEN_BILLING_DETL) table when the inventory journal is processed. If you select the Account option, some issues can be billed as units and others as cost under the same project, depending on the account function code (Units, Non-Labor, or Labor) associated with the inventory transaction line's charge-to project and account.

You can run this process at any time. However, you must post the inventory journal before closing an accounting period.