Contents of the Manage Alternate Projects Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Alternate Projects screen.


Field Description
Project Report Name

Enter the number of the alternate reporting structure. This number is the project reporting number, as it is used for reporting purposes only.


This field displays the project report description.


The level of the Project Report Name displays here. If it is the top-level (Level 1), the Level table is available for entry of all the lower levels and their names. If the level entered is not the top-level, the table window is unavailable.

Table Window

Field Description

This column displays the level numbers for all the lower levels in the alternate project reporting structure. If the level of the Project Report Name entered is not Level 1, this information is non-editable.


This column displays the number of digits for each level number. If the level of the Project Report Name entered is not Level 1, this information is non-editable. This is a required field.

Level Name

Enter the name of each level. This is the name that is displayed on the report screen whenever a level of the alternate project reporting structure is selected. If the level of the project report name entered is not Level 1, this information is non-editable. This is a required field.


Use this table window to assign projects to an alternate project reporting structure. You can attach projects to alternate structures at higher levels than the level of cost collection. Because of this flexibility, you can also include sub-project costs (costs of the project at lower levels than the level attached to the alternate project reporting structure).

Use this table window initially to assign projects to a new alternate project reporting structure. After the initial linking, only modifications and additions need to be made on this screen.

Field Description

This non-editable column displays all projects that can be selected for inclusion in alternate project reporting structures. To select projects, highlight them in this table, then click the Select button to move them to the Selected Projects table.

Project Name

This column displays the description of each project in the Project column.

Level No

This non-editable column displays the level number of the project.

Project Manager

This non-editable column displays the project manager name for the project.

Project Type

This non-editable column displays the project type.


This non-editable column displays the customer name for the project.

Project Classification

This non-editable column displays the project classification of the project.


Click this button to move highlighted projects from the Projects table window to the Selected Projects table window.

To remove a project, highlight it in the Selected Projects table window and click Delete.

Selected Projects

Field Description

This column displays all the projects that were selected to be included in the Alternate Project Reporting Structure.

Project Name

This column displays the description of each project selected.

Low Lev

If you select the check box in this column, any costs incurred at lower levels of the project in the Selected Projects table are included. If you do not select the check box in this column, only costs incurred at the level of the project in the Selected Projects table are included. This column is used at the time of printing Alternate Project Reporting Structures to allow for the inclusion of sub-project costs for the project selected. This is a required field.