Direct Cost Ceilings Subtask

Use this subtask of the Manage Project Revenue Calculation Value History screen to view or modify audit table values of the ceilings on direct cost that are used in the revenue computations for the project specified on the main screen.

This subtask is populated with information generated by the Compute Revenue process if you have run Compute Revenue for this project.

Note: Changes entered on this subtask will not have any effect on billings.


Field Description

This field displays the account number to which the direct cost ceiling amount applies.

For new records, enter, or click to select, an account number for which you want to enter a ceiling. This column can display any of the account numbers at any level (including summary levels) contained in the account group for the project, exclusive of the accounts that have a function code of Revenue, Billed, or Unbilled-General.

If an account is not linked to the account group for the project, the application displays the following warning: "This account is not set up for this project's Account Group Code." The application does, however, allow you to put this or any account in this table. If accounts that are not included in the project account group or are not expense accounts are listed in this table, the processing time of the Compute Revenue process increases. Exercise caution when selecting the accounts in this table.

Account Name

This field displays the name of the account selected.

Functional Currency Ceiling Amount

This field displays the ceiling amount for the account.

You can modify this value, or enter a value in this field for new records. Ceiling amounts can be a positive number or can be zero.

Apply to R/B/A

This field indicates whether the ceiling amount applies to the Revenue, Billing, or Both computations.

For new records, use the drop-down list to select from the available codes: Revenue, Billing, All (both Revenue and Billings), or None (neither Revenue nor Billings).